Sir, you're driving a stolen vehicle, you're not maintaining your lane...

>Sir, you're driving a stolen vehicle, you're not maintaining your lane, the tags of the stolen vehicle is expired and without insurance, a tail light is out, you ran several reds and blew several stop signs before attempting to flee from us, you injured the driver of the other vehicle when you smashed into them, there are 5 civil and felony warrants out for your arrest, you're with a known prostitute in a known prostitution area, across the street from a house known for drug activity, actually having sex with said prostitute who is also a minor and clearly drunk, you're a felon in possession of multiple firearms, some with scratched off serial numbers and many with illegal modifications performed on them, your wallet and fanny pack is packed with several thousand in loose bills, there's are several coffee cans full of individually bagged drugs: heroin, crack and meth and what seems to be several prescription bottles with someone else's name with several IDs and credit cards that don't belong to you, you failed the breathalyzer by blowing a 4.9, you gave me the wrong name when i asked you to identify yourself and lied about those uncapped needles in your pocket, the ones next to those used condoms, my partner has lacerations on his leg for when you kicked him trying to resist arrest, there are several open containers of booze here and your big gulp has vodka in it, there's a malnourished kidnapped child in the back seat, there are numerous stolen power tools in the trunk, you attempted to destroy evidence by eating the drugs in your pocket, your wife has multiple contusions from the beating you gave her according to the other unit that arrived after she called you in a half hour ago and my windshield has a bullet hole in it when you were shooting at us.

>*blank stare* aight, you just gunna write the ticket so i can be on my way?

>naw my man, you're going to jail tonight partner


Attached: Cops_Video_Game_Logo.jpg (533x186, 10.71K)

why did they whitewash these shows?

>it's a naked crackhead running down the road episode
>it's a suspect falls out of the ceiling episode
>it's a these aren't my pants episode
>it's a lady hires a cop to murder her husband episode
30+ seasons, over a thousand episodes and not a single ep is bad. certified kino.

Attached: cops.png (1028x742, 940.95K)

Everyone on this show is having the worst day possible lmao.
>see some random car going down random street between 2 and 5 a.m.
>"..Gonna see what this guy's doing..."
>dude has weed, cocaine, a gun and active warrants
Like, it's rare when you see the episodes where they just give out tickets or citations and the person leaves.

soft edge baby blue logo > hd brushed gun metal flashy lights logo

That’s why I can’t watch cops. And then somehow to make it worse they sign a release form so their worst moment can be broadcast on Any Forums

whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when you have a funeral for your father bad boys bad boys

You don't have to feel bad about it anymore. Most of the people who were on Cops are probably now dead. Retired at best.

Turns out most criminals are retards
Like people complain about people on this show getting arrested for having weed in the car. Weed is great and all but if you're stupid enough to drive around doing illegal drugs that smell very strong in a car that has broken lights/bad tags/no insurance and then speed and run stop signs, then you deserve to go to jail just for being too dumb to live.


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You can’t break those cuffs.

>i'm officer shitbag and i've been with the dept for about 6 years now
>this car in front of me is uhhhhhh driving, so we're going to pull him over and make contact and find out whats going on

Dats waycis

Imagine how much footage they need to bin to focus on white people in COPS.

>the car in front of me is uhhhhh driving

Attached: 1630734116933.png (824x980, 109.7K)

>this car in front of me is uhhhhhh driving, so we're going to pull him over and make contact and find out whats going on
>driver is a convicted felon with warrants and has cocaine and a gun and starts a high speed chase

Attached: 1474090021231.jpg (499x473, 45.05K)


You think shlomie is going to let them have this show without at least one white guy getting arrested for meth or something?

white people literally talk like that too
