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Good, I haven't seen either movie but capeshitters unironically care about stupid like this so I hope they seethe.

Capeshit fade will pass. Tom Cruise remains superstar since 80s.

Eyes wide shut 2 next please

they can even bring Kevin Spacey out of jail to play Jeffrey Epstein.

>banned in china
>still makes a billion
What's Tom's secret?

we turn Eyes Wide Shut into a media franchise with mcu brand humor and each villain is a real life Hollywood pedo/rapist.

he has a wicked smile, like you can tell theres no soul behind his eyes but it still enchants you


Still won't beat Black Panther

scientology witchcraft

Took until day 76 to go below $1m

Am I the only one who's never even seen the first Top Gun?

I have a sneed a sneed for sneed


Haven’t seen top gun, what is it about this movie that made it so successful?

Old movie but new. Nostalgia.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Thor 4 didn't even break a billion, Black Panther is far less popular than even She Hulk and given Chadwick is dead, this will probably flop hard as well.

its actually really good without being a cringe fag talking nigfest

He is a white male. Literally born for greatness.

I'd watch this movie but I don't want to willingly subject myself to unironic zog propaganda

>right wing media making billions and overtaking all the leftoid cuck woke garbage
>leftoid media outlets firing leftists and transforming into networks for both right and left wing now that ratings have tanked
>producers are canceling many diversified projects and pushing white projects through because those are the only ones people care about
>leftoids seething hard

I think it's too early to declare it the beginning of the end of the woke menace, but perhaps it's the end of the beginning.

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Wokeism is America's premier ideology now to the point of exporting it. It's not going anymore, daydreaming faggot.