What television news network is the most honest and transparent? Fox News? MSNBC? CNN?

What television news network is the most honest and transparent? Fox News? MSNBC? CNN?
Now now mods, we are discussing television networks and their content.

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the news is for dorks

YouTube app


what the fuck is that

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You mean which out of the 6 that own everything?

>hat television news network is the most honest and transparent?
The ones that admit they are all financed by Jews which is to say none of them.

None of them. Not mainstream, or YouTube, or any other "news source". They're all trying to grift you. Every single one.

I get every bit of info from MSNBC and the late show with colbert. only way to survive in this world run by russians and white supremacists.

hello fellow goyim

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How would you ever know if a network is honest and/or transparent?

>be 5ft rat-faced mexican migrant
>tell white people not to have sex with women because "having sex with women is gay"

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If their reports agrees with my political views


Look how ugly

News Nation

Where do you get your political views from?

From Any Forums

Mein gott

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