What do we think of The Boys, Any Forums?

What do we think of The Boys, Any Forums?
Personally I think it's pure kino, but I'm more curious to know what you think of it

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High IQ: lmao it's making fun of them.
Ultra IQ: corporations do be owning everything huh

It had a good first season, but it became a self-parody much like Rick and Morty
>he’s my wife’s son
The line that destroyed the show


Dropped during season 3.

I liked the first season a lot, second was weaker but still had some good moments and the third was really bad.

Gave up during season 3, season 1 was fun, 2 was alright.

That like was in because they knew it would destroy chuds. These fuckers know exactly what they're doing and I love it. Pure comic slop that we will never get from DC or Marvel. Not even Dead Pool has this kind of kino.

like everything from garth ennis, it has a cool premise with a devastating amount of edgelord cringe

the problem is they fucked up and made homelander and soldier boy way more charismatic than the "good guys"

>corporations do be owning everything huh
This is like so fucking deep bro. I don't think I have ever heard something so controversial and dangerous. Your IQ must be like Ultra and stuff.

>Pure comic slop
It's completely castrated in comparison to the comic.

>Ultra IQ: corporations do be owning everything huh
imagine having this midwit take that corresponds with every mainstream commentator and then calling yourself “ultra iq” for regurgitating what your gay loser commie professors spent four years telling you

You can't talk about this show with the kind of 'people' who use the phrase culture war unironically in conversation

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Let me guess. It made fun of you guys. You can say what you want a out the characters but the real villain is Vought. The Seven and the Boys are not the good guys, either.

Movie/TV adaption rarely matches the source material.

>the real villain is Vought
that’s how the writers chose to write the show, and comics i guess i haven’t read them. that doesn’t mean it’s anything other than a midwit normie take

Here's the thing... The show isn't trying to be deep. Low IQs reach too hard trying to find the deep message, when all the show really is doing is reminding people that America brought over Nazis during and after the war and they've taken over our society. And not larping white supremacist Nazis, but actual anti
Americans and slavers

I like it
I know it's filled with seth rogan propaganda and they go and fight trump allegories every episode but once you realize that they're actually trying to put "that's just like real life for real" stuff in their show like the border shit and the red hats it's fucking ridiculous.
I laugh out loud every time another obvious political thing is shoved in my face because it's mixed in with superhero sex parties and the "good guy" main characters slaughtering innocent people.
Also I was really hoping the deep would get some time to shine but they're devoted to never letting him redeem himself.

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Why the fuck did Butcher really think Ryan would pick him over John?
Besides the whole roof pushing thing Homelander has consistently been nothing but a good parent and obviously trying his hardest to build a relationship, he even forgave him for killing Stormfront.
Butcher blamed Ryan for the most traumatic moment of the kids life, abandoned him, and expected Ryan to come crawling back?

Can't wait for the next season where they make Homelander do something out of character that makes Ryan turn against him so Butcher can be the good cuckdad the writers want him to be despite being a horrible person.

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Fresca Bros...

>but they're devoted to never letting him redeem himself.
Of course, killing innocent people? Stealing? Maiming? Torture? B-but they're the good guys they're just troubled can't you forgive them dear viewer?
Uh, he made her suck his dick? Viewer you are NOT by any means allowed to like this character, we will make him suffer for the rest of the show.

Shit compared to the comics.
The comics had a strong narrative core. The story of The Boys begins long before Hughie joins, and we learn about the backstory of The Boys and it’s members through his eyes.
Past incidents are hinted at up-front then revealed later, along with the things that caused them and their long term effects.
At its heart, although Hughie is the central character, The Boys of the comics is about a man- Butcher- who is a monster, and knows he’s a monster, walking down a path of genocide, but unable to help himself. As he has no goodness left within him, he recruits someone- Hughie- as a foil to his own ambition.
The books are almost Shakespearean in that they deal with notions of good and evil, and how even evil may be redeemed if only it will cease pursuing its own ends. Butcher is evil, but does not wish to be:
Hughie is good, but unaware of what his innocence means to Butcher. Ultimately it is Hughie’s failure to be corrupted in line with Butcher and his beliefs that redeems Butcher and saves tens of thousands of people- maybe millions- from genocide.
The TV show? What’s it about? I don’t know. Butcher’s path of vengeance? Not really- who is TV Butcher taking vengeance on and why? Hughie’s vengeance? Not really, he had his ‘vengeance’ and not only was it pathetic and weak, it also came after a genuine and heartfelt apology. The corrupting nature of superhumanism? No, because The Boys either have a built-in penalty from Temporary V, or are ‘good people’ (The Female) whose gruesome murders are simply glossed over for narrative convenience.
The show is a lot like a non-passing transsexual, wearing the clothes and makeup of a woman while obviously not being one. It has no thematic consistency, no planned plot, no faithfulness to the comics; soulless and pointless, propped up only by the novelty of Seth Rogen jerking off both literally on-screen and metaphorically as a producer.

nobody is likeable but kimi and she has been sidelined

Season 3 finale shit the bed and erased all the good will built up to that point. Every death that happens at the hands of Homelander is entirely on them. They're all fucking monsters that can't see beyond their own immediate circumstances. They should be fucking ashamed, and the fact that none of them are just goes to show what narcissistic monsters they all are.

>thinks it’s the greatest masterpiece ever
it’s trash

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Bro the comic was kind of shit
I get the show is shit too but the comics were not good

>tfw Homelander is literally you

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at this point it's objectively shite but i enjoy it anyway

Soldier boy calling him put on that shit was fucking hilarious

>so how are we gonna make the next season?
>introduce new character
>make homelander cripple/kill the character in episode 2 or 3 to show he is scary stakes lmao
>homelander is unhinged, we want to kill homelander
>PR statement how this is the craziest shit you've ever seen
>don't kill homelander
>don't kill anyone from the main cast
>see you next season

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First season was good, but they blew their load too fast.