Any Forums BTFO

Any Forums BTFO

Attached: hulka btfo.webm (1918x800, 2.85M)

Men bros… how are we gonna come back from this? Deborah has absolutely btfo’d us… Im gonna go watch the pickle rick episode again

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more like sexo haha

Looks like something an amateur youtuber would make.

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>men are uh...bad
>but I like when they wrestle with us...

Attached: 1660500132551909.webm (576x1024, 1.87M)

I liked this scene actually

Same. Only good part of the episode

Qtf? Glasses are $200-300 even with eye insurance. Now add in the customization required for Hulk's large head. I would be so mad that Prof. Hulk would be gone and true Hulk would take over.

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Attached: She-Hulk-trailer-885a28a-e1652869365637.png (620x413, 123.92K)


Why is she wearing a nationalist shirt? Can't believe these nazis are allowed to do this.

Qrtffa eefffa *bliuuurp*
>ponder the aroma

Attached: 1660513993625425.webm (640x964, 304.03K) they fuck after this?
Be hot if they did

How do coconuts, wooden lobster cages and surf boards move the Hulk even a milimeter

I see everyone got their dose of Disney last night.

Attached: b57.jpg (618x597, 41.87K)

mcu Hulk is giganerfed kek

Why is the CGI so fucking terrible? And what the hell is going on here? It has some weird mating ritual vibes, but IIRC these two are cousins? Is this setting up the old man Logan film/series?

Is this the bitch who wrote/directed this? That explains a lot about the scene I guess.

Its because its the only part that Deborah had literally no control over. Once you have a bunch of purple cgi monsters fighting, the sweatshop of Indonesian children using blender and MS paint takes over under the supervision of a Visual Effects director

My dick is raw as fuck from shulkie.

Mass repliers get the bullet too fren

If you look closely every time hulk should hit her he just catapults her with his forearm/backhand. No actual impact is happening, like coreography.

>watched this last night
>it was stupid
Marvel shit has just been getting worse

literally shut your brain off and think of it as half-animated

Why did you cut the webm like that? The original was fine

not my webm

What's the power level of Hulk you comicsfags? Tell it to a guy that has zero idea.