Holy Reddit

Holy Reddit.

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If that scene didn't get you hyped then why are you watching star wars. Was it reddit? Yes. Was it fan service? Sure. Was it bad ass? Definitely.

This has to be bait, there's nothing badass about Vader killing a few powerless rebels.

Go back

It's less than two minutes of harmless and well-crafted fanservice. Go touch grass and make another She-Hulk thread, retard.

Glow stick trash. Lightsabers looked were better when they didn't use LED dildos as a basis.

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>It's less than two minutes of harmless and well-crafted fanservice. Go touch grass and make another She-Hulk thread, retard.

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>Everything in the OT and sequels could've been avoided if he used the force, threw his lightsaber, or walked slightly faster
Fuck this retarded scene

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They've stated that they were purposely trying to match Vader's power level in the OT. He doesn't tear ships apart with the Force like in Kenobi.

Look, I know Disney Wars is terrible but you guys should look into the behind the scenes stuff of Rogue One. It was meticulously crafted to match the tonal and thematic continuity of A New Hope. They paid attention to the smallest detail, like Wedge not being present at Scariff to avoid him seeing the Death Star, or how A New Hope mentions the plans being on both stolen tapes *and* a transmission. It's very impressive, if you guys would just stop being niggers and enjoy something for once.

Why even argue with someone like that. Obviously Vader going ham on rebels doesn't negate 6 movies. He's either arguing in bad faith or so stupid he actually believes it but either way you aren't going to accomplish anything by acknowledging him.

only good part of the movie and the last time Vader was accurately portrayed.

ROGUE ONE is the only star wars movie since return of the jedi that i really enjoyed.

yesterday I saw somebody with a Star wars shirt
I felt disgusted
I looked down on that person
I bet he is a giant cuck

It's a good scene

Key-jingling scene for men choosing to suffer from arrested development.
And fuck the precedent they set with this, too. All Disney has to do now is have some Jedi go ZHOOM ZHOOM with their lightsaber (and they don't even have "try" with that anymore either, see Kenobi but don't actually) and they'll swallow Disney's cock whole.

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No, because it was done more poorly in Kenobi. Here it's done well.

No, it wasn't.

Holy 4channel

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I agree

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I still don't get this scene. Vader isn't supposed to lash out in anger; in fact, we never see him lash out as such because he's able to control himself.

And why is he using a saber? He reserves that for special people, not 1v9. He's too high-rank to just go alone instead of sending a group before him.

Weird scene that's completely out of place and reeks of lame fanservice.