It's boring

>it's boring
>the pace is to slow


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popcorn in bed loved it

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the other day i realized another classic boat movie: a perfect storm

get this: set on a boat and nothing gay happens. how did they get away with it?

what is it with men and wanting to watch a boat and nothing happens for two hours?

that little dude was pretty hardcore

Woman or “woman” detected, either way get off my board

Lots of things happen.

it's about the ocean not the boat.

That's because she's ((our girl)

>nothing gay happens
And yet so much pure love between men.

high iq

was he based on some historical figure? I always thought he had too much screen time and had so many specific things happen to him.

One of my favorite movies. Honestly I've watched this with a few girlfriends and they usually like it. My first girlfriend was obsessed with the book series it was based on, but I've found those harder to get into.

>it's about the ocean not the boat.

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Filtered hard

the jewish supremacist nationalists fear our brotherhood. they want to separate us, humiliate us, and destroy us

>i bet this n* doesn't stare at the night sky,good for you user,i bet you only read this because the page is moving so fast you think its still.i respect the grind.

based cassiebros

Why are men so obsessed with boat movies?

Things Americans ruined because they cant handle the bants.