I haven't seen this movie or read the books. What I am in for?

I haven't seen this movie or read the books. What I am in for?

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Coital rhythm

basically the sand people want revenge on human people.

Paul (the main character) Attempts to have sex with one of the sand people.

kino with bad cgi

>What I am in for?
Neat visuals and great sound design (missing out for you don't have a good sound system). Won't care for the story unless you really engage with what's being thrown down or read the books.

religion is a psyop by the space cia; an ex-agent of the space cia and her son hijack the psyop to survive a purge and eventually get back at space cia and other space institutions that tired to purge them

A visually impressive kino with shit ending.
Although be prepared for a lot of "what the fuck" moments if you don't know the context of the books. Because fuck me, this film doesn't even bother to explain the very basics of this universe.

a pretty cool sketch of a much greater story that is impossible to be told in a couple films. Hopefully it will make you want to read the book, which is fucking awesome.


giant buttholes

Some old ladies hatch a million year breeding program to birth the new messiah, who in the books, is white. Thank God.

they attempt to turn this into "game of thrones" but in outer space.

BR2049 but worse

lol, what neat visuals? It's bland as hell. There's like three colors in the entire movie

God emperor Leto II was not white

the epic first book in a series that is too weird to ever succeed commercially

A decent book that just can't be made into a movie very well because there's too many details and they aren't going to be faithful to it

If you haven't read the books you'll be really confused about character motivation and what the fuck is going on. I honestly have no idea what Villenueve was thinking with some of his choices.

You're in for kino.

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this, just went back and rewatched it and didn't remember the cgi being so shit.

>Paul (the main character) Attempts to have sex with

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A movie that you think "holy shit this is good" then you completely forget about it