
What’s the Any Forums consensus on him so far?

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he's cancelling all the woke trash and keeping conservative stuff like euphoria or the flash

he's based


based bros cannot stop winning

what did he do that has you fruits sucking him off?

His decisions make business sense

>Great white makeover
They meant jewish, but they don't know it

He's a jew that cancels wokeshit. It's an interesting turn of events, but I like it.

yeah almost like jews want to get ahead of both the woke side of the coin and the anti-woke one

He's making Twitter trannies seethe almost daily with his business choices for Warner Discovery.

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Based old school kike

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>women are out!
>trannies, goblinos and insane pedo schizo jews are in!

wooooaow based jew! so based!

if Twitter is crying about something, chances are the best most logical position is the opposite of theirs.

that is possibly the dumbest way possible to arrive at your positions and leaves you totally predictable and hackable

>Batgirl was likely a pile of shit with a miscast woke lead, better off as tax write-off
>Plus another DeNiro gangster movie is infinitely preferable
>If The Flash is as good as the leaks have made it sound, no reason to cancel it just because Ezra is a woman-hating schizo
>The Rehearsal was kino, thank god it's renewed
>No one cares about cartoons except manchildren
Seems to work fine.

>it's getting darker

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Seems based, but i dont like how they’re removing existing content off their catalog

It’s so minorities have to pirate it and can get arrested.


Based as fuck. It's like when Stalin became CEO of USSR and purged all those kikes so hard they ran off and became (((democracy)))-pushing neocons.

The 'blast a hole in their racial memory' line in Avatar? That nigga deadass did it. And now,,once more a Slav who literally has Slav in his name is purging kikes in an autocratic reboot. Watch yids try and metoo him lol.

Fuck this guy forever for cancelling Joe Pera Talks With You