Let women have their fun, Any Forums

There's nothing wrong with that.

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they include diversity and minority for everyone but exclude 50% of the population which is men

shut up and make me a sandwich

then they complain we didn't watch it like with Ms Marvel, Charlie Angels, Ghostbusters 2016, WW 1984, long etc

I like how female hulk still has to be hot in her monster form. They couldn't even commit to having her actually hulk out in their feminist fairy tale. Weak.

> 50% of humans get something the other 50% have.

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They know that women are only good for fucking taking care of home

nice falseflag, I almost believe you're an alt-righter

>every 3rd line is how men are useless

I actually gave it a shot. Open mind. 1st episode was like the writer had gotten bullied by men in high school or something weird. The writer is a fat ugly chink, so its no surprise the tone of the show. Its, "Thats my secret Cap, I am angry because men are bad". Fucking pathetic. I hope DC hurries up and takes over cause phase 4 is absolute trash.

Their "fun" doesn't HAVE TO involve an endless stream of bitching and pretending to be oppressed so that morons will further destroy our society to "help" them, does it?

never seen anything like it

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No, i'm not your maid!

>X Movie / Show isn't for you, men!
>Men are sexist for not watching X movie / show

Every single time. Guaranteed.

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but i AM watching it :)

Kek don't forget about WNBA and NWSL, they complained like crazy about their rates being crap and blamed men for not watching them

I'll take that as a "yes"

Why is her hair so damn nappy?

I fapped so many times to Charlie’s Angel (2000).

The other week I rewatched a few of the early marvel movies...I was surprised to see there wasn't a single "women, am I right?" scene or line in any of them, so my question is...why the fucking hammering in our heads with this viceversa crap from women now?

twitter trannies

Her botox deformed mouth is fucking vile.
