What's the best food to sneak into a cinema? i always sneak in a foot long cheesesteak

what's the best food to sneak into a cinema? i always sneak in a foot long cheesesteak.

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>bacon on a cheesesteak

Looks like your momma's vagina lmao

How fat are you?

holy shit that looks delicious

>bacon on a cheesesteak
Actually tastes good.

costco hotdog

if i order a cheesesteak with no onions will the guy making it call me a faggot?

usually a large pizza, cheese on fries, a fudge sundae and big bottle of coke

no, but he'll.be thinking it

thumbnail looks like a bodily injury

he wont need to say anything, it will be quite obvious to everyone

do you guys just stroll in with this bounty of food? Or do you smuggle it in through the parking lot and front entrance like an assault rifle?

fuck philly

i bring one of these babies in wrapped in foil

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Pepperoni is better

a pot roast

I always just sneak in a bottle or can of beer. Occasionally a flask for a whiskey and coke.

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i thank to god i wasnt born in america and dont have to deal with these munching greasy fatfucks

>I go to to see James Bond with a bunch of friends
>Opening day
>Packed theater
>Friend sneaks in a cocktail shaker filled with a Martini
>Opens it in the middle of the movie and starts drinking
>Three rows around us smells like alcohol

>10 years and 3 kids later

Tupperware of milk

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friend snuck in some beer bottles to a midnight movie, and during a completely silent part of the movie, accidentally knocked the empties over and they slowly and loudly rolled to the front of the theater

>Win a visit from Davis
>"I'll come to you"
What the fuck


Yeaaah WTF?!!

patrician taste to go with the bacon but outside of the Philly area you can't find a good one
I miss that place by the Oxford Valley mall that used to make pouches
those would be even easier to sneak in

Who is Davis?
Why would I want him to come to me?
What would happen when he came to me?

Casual marzu

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Yeah that's messed up

Details inside

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I'm scared user...

I sneak poop in myself....

>no green peppers, onions or mushooms.
My brother in christ, you have crossed the line.

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I am too. Dude looks like a power metal band lead singer.

How do ye fags sneak that shit into Cinemas?

>inb4 hide it in your ass

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>How do ye fags sneak that shit into Cinemas?

hide it in your belly

My standard kinoplex food is sushi. No sneaking involved here, though. The cinemas don't mind people taking in food or drink from outside.

just carry a purse

>Liberty bell, cracked in half
>A bacon steak, a perfect match
>Freeedoooooooom of seveeeenty six

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>no green peppers, onions or mushooms

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What about summers

I am a thirdie, they check your bags

How is that different from putting bacon in a burger?

I was a teenager in the 90s, we had Jnco jeans
you could fit like a whole meal and a drink in the pockets
idk how these zoomers do it

why the egg???

They are from New Hope
not really Philly

>t. I have never had a philly cheesesteak

>What about summers
Light jacket. You shouldn't be going to the movies in daytime anyways.

Just tuck it in the upper arm arm of your jacket or in the inside pocket.

gotta be a loose jacket to hide the outline.

if you're worried about exposing the contraband, just zip up the bottom of the jacket.