This is honestly the last straw for me, we are living in a complete utter clown world. What has Andrew Tate said that was so bad??? Are we really basing this ban off because women and faggots don't like someone spitting truth going viral? Tate wasn't even some Incel pick up artist guru, he was just a rich guy flexing.

Attached: Screenshot_20220819-114311_Brave.jpg (1080x1340, 484.55K)

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Did they say why he was banned?

He's a faggot grifter.

He already has all the publicity he needs. He can hustle at Truth Social or some shit.

isnt this the pathetic, clearly gay faggot from big brother

Attached: attt-940x480.jpg (940x480, 60.01K)

you did nothing when they banned trump , now its not gonna end till only fat black crippled retarded dykes are the only ones left on social media

andrew "literally who" tate

I have a meathead friend who follows this guy religiously.
This will probably be heart breaking for him.

Normalfags don't even need a reason, they just say oh private company, it's their rules on who they want on their platform lol.

The Matrix is really getting desperate.

Last. Straw. Cancelling my Facebook+ Premium account TODAY.

I don't care for censorship and I don't care for this faggot either.

What color is faceberg's buggatti?

being an idiot is not a crime

faggot run companies that ban ppl they dislike for no concrete reason deserve a visit from that iranian girl

lol. lmao even. lewl.

Yes only right wingers are grifters

Is this Ton Hanks kid?

>private company, it's their rules on who they want on their platform
Every website operates like this.
Only stupid boomers and zoomers who aren't used to the internet don't get how it works.

No. Chet is watchable. This guy gets old after exactly 3 videos.

Con artist that markets himself as a mix of Dan Bilzerian and Kevin Samuels.

He may of been a douche but he is funny as hell

Free speech is dead.