
It's all tiresome

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ignore it if you don't like it dumbshits

when will you learn

What did she mean by this?

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YOU :clap: ARE :clap: NOT :clap: THE :clap: TARGET :clap: AUDIENCE

>It's all tiresome
Me when I see yet another She-Hulk thread.

when will there be a he hulk

I agree, but they try to inset this shit into every show now

bullshit theres no way that real

if we are not the target audience then why are they using comic book characters - all of which were created for and by men

‘A Titan Lays a Man’

That’s what you get when you rearrange the letters in the actress’ name.

They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

Its not that we dont like it, its that we find it hilarious.

fuck off there are plenty shows i watch without this in it.
Disney is shit who the fuck cares

Well she doesnt know because the word woman is impossible to define.

>Its not that we dont like it, its that we find it hilarious.
>It's all tiresome
It's all tiresome


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kys capeshitter

>What about the shirt?

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how the fuck can you be this retarded?

>target audience is men
>men do cool shit and ladies provide fanservice

>target audience is women
>women whine and complain about men while looking directly at the camera and preface literally everything they do with explanations of how powerful and independent a woman it makes them and how superior they are to men

I don't get it, why isn't it just women doing cool shit and guys providing fanservice?

HOLY SHIT you retards sure love WATCHING AND POSTING about shows/movies you hate.
I haven’t seen a single episode of this show and I don’t ever plan to, yet there’s CONSTANT THREADS FROM PEOPLE COMPLAINING because they can’t help but consume. Not bumping your shit thread btw.

who cares

>HOLY SHIT you retards sure love WATCHING AND POSTING about shows/movies you hate.
>I haven’t seen a single episode of this show and I don’t ever plan to, yet there’s CONSTANT THREADS FROM PEOPLE COMPLAINING because they can’t help but consume. Not bumping your shit thread btw.

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Obviously I do, otherwise I wouldn't have made the post. What a stupid question.

Nice selfie bro

>Nice selfie bro

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Freakin’ baist

What a handsome young American.

what's a male equivalent to "my body, my choice" that was cause an npc overload

cancelled after the first season.
guilty are toxic men that didn't watch, even though they arent the target audience