Is crying while watching something an actual thing people do? I’ve never experienced it

Is crying while watching something an actual thing people do? I’ve never experienced it.

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Do people really find """Comedy""" movies funny?

just says a lot about you, you probably repress a lot of negative thoughts and emotions if you have never shed a tear during a movie, same thing if you find sex scenes uncomfortable, the normal reaction is heightened awareness, arousal and joy but you probably have some sick repressed incel shit going on

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I'll tear up if I'm really drunk and it's a hospital scene because I've been hospitalized a few times

Movies manipulate our emotions with sad music and shit like half the times it’s not something that would make you tear up in real life but if the filmmakers are good enough at that kinda shit they can get you it’s pretty embarrassing if you’re watching with other people and it happens and you gotta try and hide it but one of your buddies will notice your teary eyes and be like “hey this fuckin pussys cryin!!! What a faggot!”

You fucking robot

watch any holocaust movie and repent goyim


if any of your "friends" actually do that to you or anyone else, it's time to get new friends buddy

Yeah it happens. Sometimes something'll hit you just right. For me it's

same but I heard people cry even during games, TLOU2 and such.

Crying is a sign of weakness, only women and faggots dont think there is anything wrong with crying like a child.

vanilla sky

Yeah Sams speech to Frodo in Return of the King got me

part crying because Leo died but also because I was born the same year it released and I would never experience watching it in the cinema in 1997 and then going home and switching on my iMac G3 and saying it sucked on AOL message boards

Shitting is a sign of weakness. You're not a man if you don't hold it in and die from a rupture of the colon.

damn, literally me

BASED emotions denier and james cameron shitter

It’s called busting balls, fag

>he gets upset when people tease him
Good times really do create weak men

i bust my friends balls all the time, but i dont shit on them if something has given them a profound emotional moment. i want my friends to be comfortable around me and not afraid ill mock them for showing the slightest bit of human vulnerability

i dont personally get upset since im repressed as hell and do boxing in my spare time to get my emotions out, but i know other people can get upset.
i dont want to make anyone feel bad, least of all my friends. you know, the people i like

Does it count if I only started crying after the credits rolled because I was 6 years old and grappling with the reality that I and everyone I loved would eventually die?

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kid named finger

lmfaooo BITCH

When's the last time things have been good retard?

I never cry while watching movies, but sometimes I do while watching television shows. The emotional investment you can put into characters over the course of 60 hours can't be matched by any film

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oi are you lads comitting a toxic masculinin'e? you got a loicense for that?

Right before weak men like you made times tough.
Don’t you know the cycle?

Haha lmao the snarky feminine response to mock the masculine perspective, go cry some more you little faggot.

People laugh much more often than they cry, especially adult men who very rarely cry. Makes sense that comedy films would be able to provoke laughter much easier than a tragic film can provoke crying. Not all emotions are felt as often or easily as each other

Yes, because repressing your emotions has never ended bad for anyone throughout all of history. Enjoy your brain tumor, dipshit.

Woman moment

I'd rather be a woman than a facade of a person too much of a manchild to confront their own emotions

The trick is to always be crying on the inside so you're never caught off guard.