/atv/ will defend this

/atv/ will defend this

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but the casting is fine.
they casted a fat fuck for alvida and a black man for the fish race.

All decent except tranny koby

The real question is who plays the best character, Bon Clay?

Emily Rudd is fine as hell and used to get posted on Any Forums all the time back in the day

why is the normal looking dude on bottom right a they/them?

>morgan davies
Why do transmen always go for this specific look? see: elliot page

because he's super gay. see: ezra miller

racist as hell to named a POC actor "Monkey"
so wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong CANCEL THIS SHIT

whatever they named a big black dude "are long". might as well just name him bbs

*bbc wow how did i manage to fuck that up

Someone give me an honest answer. Why would anyone want to watch a live action adaptation of an anime?

Helmeppo, usopp and buggy have perfect casting. The rest not so much. Arlong will be okay as long as the guy has a good voice. I'll have to wait and see for Luffy too.

The rest are pretty awful. Garp actor is way too young, Zoro is too much of a twink, Sanji is ethnic/too ugly, Nami is too old, if you're making ten seasons of this she'll hit the wall by season 3. Alvida is fine but I'm worried they'll keep her fat instead of replacing her with a skinny actress later on. Koby is a mess

What am i looking at?

this and bebop netflix actually seem to be great in terms of casting. not a single choice I dislike. now it all comes down to performances and writing

Koby looks fine for post-enies lobby but I guess they're just gonna have him look grown up in East Blue which is a change I can live with

Agreed. You need to watch at least 3 episodes before you can judge another's hard work.

>Someone give me an honest answer. Why would anyone want to watch a live action adaptation of an anime?

Its not for anime fans.

They're hoping they can do the same thing they did to comic books to anime and manga. Take it from being something nerds enjoy to being soulless normie trash they can make truck loads of money off of while they sell their inane corporate left consumerism.

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How do you do fellow shills. I too agree that this Netflix adaptation of the hit series One Piece will have something for both old fans and new fans to appreciate!

>noooo you can't be cautiously optimistic you have to be le angry and cynical and hate everything and never give anything credit ever also my dad never calls
you're on your phone posting this guaranteed

Very obvious bait