ITT characters zoomers will never understand

ITT characters zoomers will never understand.

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I doubt many zoomers have seen this movie.

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No millennials watched Dirty Harry, so the chances of zoomers having watched it is very slim.

Dirty Harry straight bussin fr fr no cap

The first time he said the thing was badass. The next seven times, not so much.

No one born after 1980 will ever understand based Stallone kino.

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Todd from Fartballs farting on women and minorities

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>No millennials watched Dirty Harry
90s born queers were a mistake. A lot gen y watched the dirty harry movies, you retarded fuck.

Millennials don't watch anything from before they were born. Dirty Harry is out of the question, that movie came out in the 70s. It's boomercore.

Every sopranos character

Millennials and zoomers would have a heart attack if they watched this.

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How was it possible to make the pinnacle kino that is John Rambo, in 2008?

No joke got into an argument with a zoomer at the bar last week about Western films. Fucking kid never heard of Clint Eastwood?!

So I beat the living shit outta him. Fucking zoomers will learn respect.

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90s born queers are just proto zoomers.

Bunch of slack jawed faggots, i tell you

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fuckin A.

bunch 9f slack jawed faggots

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I showed robocop to this guy from work who was born in 94, he didn't like it but he loves how I met your mother and the office and the force awakens. I'm sorry I made an effort with that faggot at all.

hipster zoomies will never understand pure unadulterated sex appeal. most boomers ooze it, everyone from Patrick Duffy to Craig T. Nelson.


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Omg, he is literally me