What the fuck was her problem

what the fuck was her problem

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Ugly rat faced kike bitch.

why do Ashkenazis look like this? is it all the inbreeding?

Remember, from all other races, God chose this as the most beautiful of the bunch

God's chosen ones, apparently.

incels can fuck right off

she looks like the leader of "the others"

Thats why jew men are so obsessed with shiksas... Look what their women look like.

what are you, some liberal atheist?

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stop being racist

about half are bangable

there's only 2 in that pack of 11 kikes i'd consider cumming on

She looks like one of the vampires from 30 Days of Night

predator eyes are a real thing aren't they

wy this low review on AMazn priome


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2nd from left and 4th from right?

Thats the result of inbreeding


Too hot for her own good. Men could literally not help but throw themselves at her throughout the movie. By the end I was convinced she was 11/10 turbo babe

how do i get an abusive mommywife kike gf bros?

hope she sees this bro

From right to left: I pick 2 and 4

8, 10 and 11 are also fuckable

For me it's 2nd & 4th from the right.