How, I ask you HOW did they drop the ball so hard on this??

How, I ask you HOW did they drop the ball so hard on this??

Attached: MV5BYmY5YmJiM2QtNjdhOC00NjRhLTgyNDEtYmM1NmJhNjc5NDE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQ4ODcxNTM@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1481, 119.73K)

diversity hires and troons

Literally everyone involved in the project was just doing it for money. No one has any respect for gamer shit.

>trying to leech money from those who don't even care about this nerdshit instead of the already existing consoomerbase
Yeah that'll work just fine

There's no way they made money with this. I don't know a single person who has even spoken about it IRL and I grew up playing halo with friends and cousins that I still talk to regularly.


Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-18 193643.png (770x511, 266.11K)

Halo seems to be the most mismanaged iconic video game franchise in history

Played 1 Halo game 5 years ago, don't remember it. Thought this show was excellent! Sorry it shit on your source material.

Dropped the ball? That was intentional.

>faggoty d-list tv writers write a show about a video game
>faggoty d-list tv writers know very little about video games, one maybe was a mass effect fan
>these people produced a halo tv show
that's really it. they picked the franchise with the most fake fans that just lap up anything with the brand name regardless of quality, that's the only thing they got right in the whole endeavor.

>display disdain to video games in interviews, say you want to make something for new fans and people that don't play video games
>proceed to add first-person perspective scenes

Attached: uh halo.webm (1920x960, 2.95M)

I heard it was supposed to be a Mass Effect series that was hastily retooled when they couldn't get the rights

wow that looks even worse than I thought it would

i always hated films that did the first-person thing because those scenes are insulting to the intellect, but the halo tv show one is just adding insult to injury.

Attached: 1553008801241.jpg (960x672, 156.33K)

Because the script was originally had nothing to do with Halo, but was later reworked to crudely crowbar some names and aesthetics in. Same with the Watch, wheel of time and will be the case with rings of power.
Any resemblance to the IP it’s wearing the skin of is pure coincidence, with the exception of a few names

The issue i uave with thr first person sections is that they redesigned the HUD, why? I didn't need changing and changing it shows one of 2 things, either you didnt play the game so dont know what the hud looka like, or you decided to change it when it didnt need changing making you a bad media maker.

At least in halo legends in the package where they have a first person shot the hud is like that of the game which means someone somewhere actually played the game in the production team.

this looks so fucking fake and shit
>gun has 0 recoil
>armor looks fake and plastic
>he doesnt even throw anything
>everyone movess so slow and choreographed
literally i could make a better action scene

he can barely move his arms in that fat suit, user.

Kiki Wolfkill and other 343 oversight

If you just picture the show as 343s vision of Halo it makes a lot more sense.


Drop the ball? They didn't even try to play the game. They got the ball kicked to their head and made their concussion into a series.

They just took design and thematic elements from the games and disregarded the story of the games. TV/Movie industry must just be butthurt over the fact that the video games industry eclipses them.