>actors who were only 10/10 in one movie

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Post the webm.

her nose is too big

What does she look like now?

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Are you serious? I've been infatuated with her since Popular Mechanics for kids.

Thomas Jane. Thursday.

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easy. She even looked like shit in the snyder cut

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>I think Coolsville SUCKS

Facially the same but it’s unreal how much the blonde hair elevates her looks

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aye caramba

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Vanilla Sky was her magnum opus

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personally i prefer her early work

She was so damn hot in this movie.
>Popular Mechanics for kids.
Here too.

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A little too New Wave for my taste.

she obviously doesn't qualify since she's hot in a bunch of things, girl next door, 24, old school, pmfk, etc

>only 10/10 in one webm.

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It always reminded me of Penelope Cruz and I imagined her having a Spanish accent. Turns out she's just a burger.

she really looked good in the mask

and she waited about 10 years to hit the wall to show her tits in a show that didn't even get to finish it's season showing before getting cancelled (y the last man). damn shame.

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