Since when is aiding known criminals as a lawyer a crime?

Since when is aiding known criminals as a lawyer a crime?
I mean, literally, what are the charges, officer?

Attached: Levy.jpg (360x360, 32.68K)

Say what now junior?

Attached: downtown davis.jpg (506x316, 55.11K)

>lawyer of violent negro drug dealers is a slimy money grubbing jew
How could (((David Simon))) do that?


he literally told them to kill the bug-eyed court witness at the strip club

>most evil people in the show are a Jew lawyer and black Democrat

David simons mind can't comprehend a person actually doing the job they're paid to do.

Levy was in on it, he knew Avon sold drugs and happily took the dirty money

not sure what you're referring to but it's not something they have evidence for, is it?
i mean the prosecution doesn't have any criminal evidence against saul.

he had a mole that leaked sealed court documents. He had an informant that tipped off potential indictments.

People make entire careers out of criminal defense of people they know are guilty. He came in his pants a little when he knew he was going to get marlo off by figuring out the cops had an the illegal wiretap. Marlo was guilty as fuck but so were the cops, so the evidence was inadmissible. All in da game right?

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>he had a mole that leaked sealed court documents. He had an informant that tipped off potential indictments.

This. Did anybody in this thread even watch the show?

Aiding a criminal in committing a crime is, of course, a crime, no matter who you are.

DEFENDING a criminal who got accused of a crime is not.

This really isnt that hard.


when the fuck did the show ever claim levi was ever a good person with redeemable qualities? if anything, The Wire is brutally relentless against niggers and the jews who established the system where these niggers operate.

If David Simon's intention like you think was to laud scum bucket kikes and niggers, then he completely failed at that.

lemmetellya something brudda

he does? why does he have to pretend like they're good people just because the law says so? that's kinda like the whole point, not to say "lawyers shouldn't legally do this"

They couldn't get Levy on any of the money laundering, RICO, conspiracy charges because he worked for niggers who don't snitch. Saul got all those charges probably because Skylar spilled the beans and implicated him at first opportunity

thread infested with bcs redditor garbage. get this shit outta here, this is a "the wire" thread

Shut the fuck up retard, OP is clearly comparing the two

No you're just obsessed

Sleazy as but not a crime no.
The crime was selling confidential information eg grand jury summons before the fact.

Only thing that made him tuck his tail, and even then he wheeled out at the slightest sniff of a misdemeanour on the opposing side.

what if I don't you fucking pint sized faggot? the cuts are done vertically for effect, horizontal only for attention.
and you're the tranny with the BB/BCS derangement syndrome. check your T levels and let me know before you check out

Not him but your reading comprehension is atrocious.

you're not OP, asshole.