/bcs/ - Better Call Saul General

Let the heavens fall Edition


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I'm going to say it. I'M GOING TO FUCKING SAY IT!
I really liked the ending.

I am NOT filtered! I am not filtered. I know he swapped those endings. I knew it was 613, one after Waterworks, as if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. NEVER! I just, I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, got that idiot on /bcs/ to bravo for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This, this hackfraudery? He's done worse. That Nippy! You think an episode just happens to be filler like that? No, HE orchestrated it! Vince! He DEFECATED out that finale! And I watched it! I shouldn't have. I watched it on my own screen, what was I THINKING? He'll never change. He'll NEVER change! Ever since Season 1, always the same! Couldn't keep filler out of the show! But not our Vince! Couldn't be kino Vince! Filling them blind! And he gets to be a producer? What a sick joke! I should have stopped watching when I had the chance, and you, you have to stop watching, you-

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>Chuck: Everyone deserves solid legal defense
>Saul: 86 years lmao
I don't get it. One last fuck you to Chuck? I guess he never did change.


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Kimmy is still breedable, right? We're getting a Saul Goodman Jr, right?


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if these two mentally ill fucks just talked to each other, we would’ve gotten the good ending for everyone

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You're telling me an user just happens to get filtered by that finale? No! He false-flagged it!

How did he get away with it?

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Hate Hollywood moraly right endings.That's not how real life works, pure religious fantasy.

Now that it's over, does everyone here agree that show was kino?

It was the best ending out of Felina and El Camino.

>Haha he just changes for le better in the last 30 minutes
Wow great ending and character development, faggots.
Its telling enough that Reddit loves it.

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86 years old...he was a fucking kid

fuck off atheist degenerate. there’s enough depressing nihilistic bullshit in shows nowadays, just let jimmy have the moral ending and do the right thing for chuck you NIIIGGGGGGEEEERRR

The defenders are unironic redditors and haven’t been paying attention to anything of recent

Goyim tier pathos

She's like 50 years old bro

Now that it's over, share some of your favorites from the bcs soundtrack.bb welcome aswell
im gonna miss this verse

ricin cigarette

This. At least make the character develop into this. This is just pure show betrayal. Breaking Bad ending was SO MUCH MORE kino.

He doesn't entirely change, never will.

Their relationship will always be the true tragedy of the show. Two men who should have put aside their differences and just come together. With Jimmy's charisma and Chuck's brilliant mind, they would have made for an unbeatable legal team.

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Is this peak contrarian brainrot?

It's just Vince projecting his own beliefs on the viewers. Ever wondered why almost nobody had any children in the movie? When Lalo went back to his compound and there was no wife or kids, just some hired fart sniffers, I knew it was a Vince self-insert 100%.

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There isnt actually. Its a meme.
And the show really had it in it to make a great cynical ending.
Its a story about a character failing, not one succeeding.
There was literally no reason to change after all that happened

I honestly can't tell what I love more about the ending, the fact that it is a 10/10 pure KINO finale or the fact that midwit redditors will be filtered until their dying breaths

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You don’t get it he felt LE HECKIN GUILT!!

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That Chuck scene was pure KINO

Remember when everyone on the prison bus recognised Saul, then started chanting “Better Call Saul!” while stomping their feet? Did Any Forums write that scene?

Yeah before Hollywood stories were written to emulate reality


I was hoping for a musical scene so much. Would be better than what we got.


But Reddit loves everything about the ending.


He did it for Kim. Which was such a stupid fucking thing to do, and such an unreasonable thing for her to ask of him.

>wasn't the ending song



he didn’t succeed, he chose the wrong path. It’s fucking over retard, that doesn’t mean we can’t get a bitter sweet ending of him at least ACKNOWLEDGING what led him to this point. Itd be dishonest to end the show with jimmy still covering up all the internalized guilt, which is why I predicted and hoped this would be the finale

You don't have a clue what that word actually means, do you?

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So that means Any Forums will hate it.

Make your own mind up without picking a team to support

Those are bots. Actual redditors are here seething about being filtered by the kino ending.

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Massive cope. The criticisms will endure and still be around in the coming years.

You're asking too much of Any Forums.

>/bcs/ is more retarded than reddit
damn thats not good

Does that change Hollywood writing style? No.
I don't like fairy tale style in my adult content.

Eh, it was okay. Nothing spectacular like BB.

I've been obsessing over mommy Kim and her bending me over and fucking me for years now, so I genuinely understand Jimmy's obsession with that woman. For me, the ending was pure kino.

>Yeah the ending scene of the episode before shows him attacking an elderly woman, the same people he swore to protect years earlier.
>This doesnt show his total moral degeneration as a character thought ACSHUALLY he is a good boy who wants to change
He DOES feel guilt dont get me wrong. But he will always be slippin




I can't believe this shitposting manifested into reality in a small way. Vince 100% browses /bcs/.
Great job buddy.

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Should have been

>People don't go to prison for their crimes in real life

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>it's actually better than the clearly superior BB finale because uhhh filtered, it's shit on purpose bro that means it's kino

>the Any Forums stream chat going absolutely apeshit over all the time machine references

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>Kim emotionally manipulates Jimmy to take the heat for her

He did it for Chuck just as much as Kim

People here can't see the nuance, they think to do something 'good' you need to be 100% good, like a saint.

Would have been better if Saul got out after 7 years, old and broken, with nobody who cares about him. That would have been true punishment.
Instead we got le guilt free ending.

The only bad part about the ending was the Kim visit.

Was Jimmy trying to ruin Oakley's reputation?

Tears in my eyes bro. McGills won.

>All the people hating Jimmy for finally doing something good are neckbeards

>Hate Hollywood moraly right endings
jesse was a way bigger cunt and didn't deserve to get away with it


No that was Saul.

You don't understand, he finally saw the light and now he will be a religious nut case in the can.
Praise the Lord!!

You faggots gaslit me into thinking "I fought the law" would at least play by the end.

That or "Under Pressure." Could've worked brilliantly.

I atleast wanted a song dammit.

You know a show's ending is good when half of Any Forums's users starts having a mental breakdown over it lol

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Ah yes, the Mary Sue finale

And I can guarantee you that popular opinion will put Saul Gone over Felina. So of course you don't have a clue what "contrarian" entails

Why the actual fuck are people talking about a time machine in the episode, what do I have to expect

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>t.Gaytheist mindbroken by religion

>7 years
>Nah, I'm guilty anyways

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>Jimmy sabotages himself time and time again through entire show
>does it one more time as a eulogy
>retards go full "I AM NOT CRAZY" and "this is not logical!"
Jimmy IS not logical, that's the whole point.

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Thank god for this ending and its endless filtering that will come about it

They’ll call you a teenager for trying to demand some moral nuance and ambiguity

>having nobody to love him would be hell
No it wouldn't
Saul would find new contacts, like he did with Jeff, and start over again.

>Dude le Jessie and Kim are le totally innocent dindu nuffins who are just corrupted

the prison bus chant was unironically based

The machine gun thing was marvel tier

more kino then the actual finale

Why is Howard's wife such a bitch?

Yeah, why even involve Oakley when he wanted to represent himself and wouldn’t let him make any of the decisions at trial?

He didn't, he was enslaved by literal nazis and lost everything.

>it was shit on purpose that’s the whole point
The final hill every one of you defenders will eventually die on.

>not using 'vinny'

I believe it was a "joke"

>Kim grooms Jimmy into Saul because crime makes her horny.
>Keeps enabling him even after Jimmy was in a good path to healing beforehand.
>Ends up with Jimmy taking all the heat for her, until his dead, while she has a happy middle class life and her lawyer job again.

Fucking cucked ass show. People can't see how guilty Kim is because they are horny for her feet.
Jimmy was THIS close to fixing himself after the Lalo saga was over, yet she left and turned him into a hollow Saul husk who only cared about money

Lydia phone call too

>Saul would find new contacts, like he did with Jeff, and start over again.
That would be a better ending.

It’s a thought experiment. It’s about regrets.

why was seven years not enough redemption time? Why does someone have to be essentially killed to be fully redeemed?

I mean he's gonna die in prison but he'll get to Andy DuFrane it before he croaks. Saul didn't deserve a bad ending. Walt got to dir a hero and Jesse got his freedom.

>taking the heat for her
Holy fuck, just fuck off speedwatcher.

Get filtered, boi

I loved Nippy it was such a great episode, honestly everything after the time skip was absolute kino

Exactly right. Kim is a guilty ass bitch but the show just thinks giving her a boring life with office chitchat is enough punishment.

This. Same goes for Jessie.
She wasnt innocent.
Its a tragedy for fucks sake.

>Howard is redeemed in the end and his memory legacy is saved

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He did it to get Kim back in his life. His greatest regret was losing Chuck, so he'd do everything in his power to not lose the only remaining person who still cares about him for good.

They hammed it up way too much with the Marie scenes.

Nippy is still the definitive ending of the series. The final 3 episodes were just a tribute to both series, really bloated and unnecessary.

Hallelujah praise the one who isn't a redditor!

You're a mexican so it's hard for you to get, but Jimmy had a character arc.
He stopped being Saul Goodman, he stopped making deals and doing scams.

Why did Chuck make that face when jimmy said that chuck would do the same for him? I mean realistically Chuck has already bailed Jimmy out a few times, he’s proven he WOULD do the same for Jimmy. Just seems unnecessary and out of character revisionism

I said it last thread but there is literally no chance the judge would've accepted the 7 year deal, but everyone bitching about this point is missing the bigger picture.

length of time had nothing to do with it sorry to say you were filtered