Why does was he reading a 6th grade level book

Was he that far gone

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I think you need to go back to 6th grade, user.

>Why does was he
nigga YOU not at a 6th grade reading level

ESL monke scum

He’s not real, he’s a character in a tv show, the writers chose that book in that scene

This boomer spent years reading children's books via lantern light no wonder he killed himself

Grammar baits never fail

He was right about Jimmy


It's a classic, and reading good but easy books is fun because you can crush them in 2 days.

Good morning sir

What book was he reading and how it was relevant to the ending?

>ESL minority filtered by chuck
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you prefer Goodman over McGill you’re not white

based retard

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he was thinking about the timeline

its a good book, big chuck did nothing wrong (as usual)

>he only reads """grown-up""" books

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>if chuck and jimmy just worked things out, Jimmy wouldn’t have taken on the Saul goodman persona to the extent that he did
>like jimmy says, Walt would’ve died or been caught in a month and the Bb timeline wouldn’t have happened
holy shit chuckchads if we were just there for our bro this wouldn’t have happened. FUUUCK

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He wasnt in the photo with ripped posters whatever that means

>saul said he shouldve tried >regrettedly
But we all know the true reason

It s how This Is Us built its entire show around
"death by smoke"

>Saul brings up TIME MACHINES as a way of talking about regret
>Chuck is reading THE TIME MACHINE
woah it's like symbolism or something

chuck would've never accepted his brother, his ire and jealousy were too much
fuck chuck and fuck "family" members acting worse than strangers
what a shit ending

I wondered the same thing, and about Saul especially. I get the thematic significance- they pretty much hit you over the head with it. It's a great book, very fun, read it when I was 12 and really like it. But would sleazy lawyer guy really be going back to the H.G. Wells classics? Did we ever see Jimmy read any novels throughout the course of the show?

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paco the phoneposting faggot

The multiple mentions of time travel got me really hyped that maybe Gould was autistic enough to actually incorporate time travel into the finale. When the camera panned down to Chuck reading The Time Machine, I was fully erect and I thought we were about to witness the most kino twist in television history. But nope, Gould cucked out. 0/10

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he couldnt accept jimmy because he knew him and he was fucking right about everything
jimmy had gone back to slippin jimmy schemes LONG before the chicanery meltdown or chuck telling him he never cared about him
yes it was self fulfilling but he was still fucking right about jimmy. jimmy never gave a shit about the law, despite chuck's prestige he still insisted on taking jimmy's petty public defender cases seriously when jimmy obviously thought they were beneath him. he took chuck's livelihood and legacy and made a joke out of it from the beginning with his correspondence course degree all the way to him turning into jim halpert playing increasingly elaborate pranks on people just for kicks

Walt and Chuck this ep were like seeing ghosts. It was a worthy finale

no, the book is there for normies so when they watch it again theyll go 'omg THIS is jimmy's regretz!'


based and well written, chuck was a dick but he was still right, and in the BB-verse that still puts him pretty high up. Also just a very compelling character Overall, dont know why normalfags hated him so much

>retarded ape niggers meme themselves into thinking the show is trying way harder to be subtle and subversive than it actually is
>when it fails to be as subtle as it's not even trying to be, said niggers seethe like you are now
im glad the show is over so i dont have to share threads with midwits like you anymore

he's reading it to learn how to build a time machine

Because normalfags cannot comprehend the idea of a villain protagonist. The person the camera follows is the hero and anybody who disagrees just doesn't understand their struggles.

we were supposed to, he was only redeemed in retrospect when we learned what chuck had spent a lifetime learning about him

I read shakespear for a fourth grade book report, why does university read fourth grade books?