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Spy Kids 5

Kinda scary to think that Trump could call for an armed resistance to the US government and his brainwashed followers would start shooting people in the streets. I hope the FBI has some good tabs on these insane pieces of shit.

Is he threatening us?

im about to clog every toilet in new york

What the fuck is his problem? Explain this, chuds.

Kek anyone obsessed with politics would do this kind of shit luckily for you the American people are like castrated pigs they live only to get fatter till they die no vigour and no direction

Look at the writer's name....ROOS=RUSE.

Trump doesnt make any move freely. He is watched at all times.

This is all a distraction for something else.

Television and film?

how many times does a traitor have to commit treason until he's sentenced to death and thrown away?

i would play trumps GAME OVER vr game

Yes, while being deplatformed and silenced by every branch of government and medi in general.

something will happen in 2 weeks


>Donald Trump takes Donald Dump!
>Filthy Ex-President clogs every toilet in New York!
>Democrats claim Trump exaggerating his fecal prowess - many toilets clogged with paper towels

He's announcing his candidacy?

Idk how the Clinton’s do it either man

>nooo jews, I did everything you told me to!
Welcome to being a goy zion don.

yeah imagine
that would be awful especially as I live in the middle of nowhere and could just act like I was part of the uprising all along and a good citizen in the new shitshow after all of the influential babykilling pedophiles other than Trump himself were gone
that would definitely be super worse and not just an amusing change hahahaha
please no one do that

Television and Film? Like seriously his act career is dead.


He commited LE TRESON!!
against what? Against a governing body that activitly destroys its people and removes their power to change things? NOOOOO! GOVERNMENT IS GOOD! CORPORATIONS ARE GOOD BECAUSE THEY.. WELL THEY JUST ARE OKAY!
*bootgurgling noises*

Trump is threatened with jail time so thats why he's saying this.

>caring what the orange man says


globalists I've come to bargain

We should have kept his tiny orange hands off the nukular codes

You don't understand user that time when a protestor banged on a door and got shot while overpaid retards put bags over their heads was the greatest most historically unprecedented insurrection of all time in this country which we totally loved all along
and the 35 mostly black people who died during the chimpouts were necessary for police to learn they're not allowed to detain retards who are breaking the law if they're black and overdosing

Opinion discarded

Kinda scary to think that Washington could call for an armed resistance to the queen and his brainwashed followers would start shooting our fine gentlemen in the streets. I hope the glorious empire has some good parchment on these deplorable pieces of riffraff.

>about to
The bad timeline began once Jeb! had his campaign derailed.

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i bet you don't even know some tranny (literally) redditor tried to get at Kavanugh lmao because of RvW.