I’m getting on a plane in a few hours

It’s a 3.5 hour flight. What’s are your tv or movie recommendations to make the time pass quickly?

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Enter the Dragon and Point Break

Don't watch The Right Stuff. I watched it on a plane and it was a bad idea. Absolutely kino movie, though.

Just do 3-6 episodes of whatever TV show you're watching atm.


Air Crash Investigations

Attached: download (17).jpg (245x206, 4.53K)

Did you bring a book?

I didn't

Starfux 69 you tube poop on repeat

Return of the king, extended edition

Gay niggers from outer space. Only 35 minutes but you can watch it on the tarmac

Based and woop woop pilled

>Just do 3-6 episodes of whatever TV show you're watching atm.
I don’t have any shows right now

Based and aviation-pilled.
Watch these, OP.

Black Ass Fuckers

Attached: 89078.jpg (640x480, 32.23K)

Then stare out the window and watch the wing flex, knowing that eventually it will snap.

Nightmare at 20,000 feet
Die Hard 2

The Irishman
Its almost exactly long enough to last you the whole flight.

Imagine bending a steel paperclip back and forth a few times. It gets warm and then breaks. It does all that with very little energy on your part.
Now imagine several tons of weight resting on a wing in turbulance and remember that this wing isn't steel, but aluminum.

Sleep you pleb.

How to with John Wilson

Watch lord of the rings and make sure you get your luggage

Watch this on loop

Do planes still have in built screens in the seats? I haven't flown in a few years and heard they're ripping them out because they figure you can just watch your own shit on a laptop or phone.

just get drunk

Why are you doing this to me?