I drank the vodka

I drank the vodka

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i am the vodka

Sup bros.
I'm on my 4th White Claw of the night.

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Bros last night I went on a sneaky bender and drank a fifth of sailor jerry’s. This morning on the way to work i took 5 shooters of jack to stave off the shakes and passed out in the bathroom at work

luckily I was able to pretend that I hadn’t had enough to eat this morning so I didn’t get fired but did get sent home…now Im about halfway through my second bottle of MD2020, what do I do?

Shit man, keep it in your pants sometimes.
Practical advice: have fewer eye-openers. Space them out. Bring a flask.

It’s pronounced “vawka”

>I passed out in the bathroom reeking of rum but I convinced them that I was sleepy because I was hungry
No, they sent you home because they don't want to deal with you. They know exactly what happened and if it happens again you'll get disciplined you dumb drug addict.

It's just to rest my brain, son.

wow a whole fifth?!?

9 Lucky Lagers deep and blasting Grief so loud my neighbors are probably gonna call the cops.

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What's the religious message of the film? That these things just happen at times and it's best to accept them? That it's easier to accept them as acts of God like that cancer patient said in the hospital?
seek help

>I snorted the cocaine

Did you all like the movie? Kinda feels half baked to me. Liked Denzel. Liked the crash scene. Everything else feels like ehh. His redemption kinda just happens because that's what's supposed to happen. Idk.

Realistically the story didn't happen, but if it did, 100% this. They sent him home as a warning, knowing full well he was drunk. No one gets sent home for an empty stomach, lol.

I dropped the screw in the tuna


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I liked it but I can see what you mean about the redemption. I think he chose to be honest because he loved her and didn't want to besmirch her. She was the only character over whom Denzel showed that he really cared about (his reaction to her death). He needed someone he actually cared about to guide him to bettering himself

I thought the plane crash was really well done, kept you at the edge of your seat. I especially enjoyed the bit where the copilot asks Denzel what the next step of his master plan is and Denzel responds "Crash-(land)ing this plane"

He's literally me

God, it feels good to throw back some beers after a shitty day. If feelijg druk is wrong then I don't wanna be right

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Is no user getting drunk with me this fine Monday evening?
I only drink on days that end in "y."

I'm with ya bud

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I'm thinking of quiting... at work.

I'm not fired?