How did Hollywood go from

How did Hollywood go from
>Egyptians are white anglos
>Egyptians were the darkest gorilla niggers

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Who cares? Get help you fucking loser.


stupid faggot thread

there’s something undeniably gay about all coomers. can’t put my finger on it. the faggy cartoon anime shit you share with other men. it’s just sort of gay

Egyptians are catgirls, and catgirls are best when they're brown.

Attached: anime_egyptian_catgirl.jpg (1632x1500, 673.11K)

>Egyptians were the darkest gorilla niggers

Because white people went from being normal human beings into self hating cucks.

Americans can only think in terms of black and white literally


[Camel by Camel intensifies]

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>Egyptians were kangs
Name a recent movie that did this. That movie with Jamie Lannister as Horus only had one black guy who was a supporting role and did nothing for the entire movie.

White movies are box office poison. That's why.

Exodus: Gods and Kings had white Egyptians and was a huge flop.

Attached: box office.png (1368x851, 1.52M)

i know its a meme image and everything but not only is ben-hur a shitskin, it was a topic of conversation when he was cast since hes replacing a white guy. you may as well put jason mamoas conan on the white list if thats your standard

Which Dynasty? The 25th were black Nubians, the 32nd were European Greeks. So both are possible.

For me it's rime of the ancient mariner

Or maybe nobody wants to watch boring ass anglo history crap unless it has magic and dragons in it.

Who are you talking about, Morgan Freeman?

>brown anime girls
Any more examples of this?

Excellent choice, king. Personally, its Flight of Icarus for myself

Jack Huston is literally connected to British aristoracts. Take your meds, dude is white af.

Attached: Jack_Huston_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (440x594, 50.06K)

Even black people were played by whites back then

Explain how Peter Jackson's LOTR movies made billions and won 20 oscars

Google retard

Indeed, our forebearers were individuals of noble birth.

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Fuck off back to Any Forums retarded weeb

the first one is literally true though, its hard to tell if you shitskins think its a joke or a meme

cause upper class white people don't go to the movie theatres

We were kings and stuff

Serious, unironic question. Why do people get so upset when they see anime pictures? The reactions are similar to posting a trump meme on reddit but at least that makes sense to me.