So true

so true

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I really, really like this image.

I'm 22 and have never had a part time job. I'm so pathetic.

spongebob pays krab to work.
hes the ideal wagie.

If you want to live in a society you have to contribute

I'm sick of working. I want to be a neet.

Who says lmao commie fuck

Noooooooo I want to consoom everything without having to provide anything like a parasite noooooo so unfair nooooooo

Kratom ain't free

Work? Is that that silly thing taxpayers do with their days? What a bunch of cucks

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>working for yourself is impossible
>half of your life will be at work, easily more if you are american
>no stake, only make enough to get by
>in a society you have no choice but to participate in
tired of it

Commies are the ones that want stuff without having to work for it, idiot.

This is silly. If you've ever worked a job you would know that most people work at about 70% effort unless they absolutely have to give more

Well your parents and their parents before them and so on. Their culmination of work made you into a living being

Wrong, thats socialists

I don't mind working, I just want a job that pays enough for me to get my own place.

I can't stress this enough: learn how to draw. Furry porn commissions are the closest males can get to onlyfans money.

How do you even become a neet? Don't you need a proof of disability/serious illness for that?

I was the same at that age until a family member pushed me into working at her office.
It sucks and I still hate my life, but at least I don't have as much time to lament and I can trick myself into thinking I'm a real person now. If I had kept going neetmode, I don't think I would have made it to 24 without putting a buckshot in my brain.

NEET life is cool, until you realize you cant travel because you dont have enough money

its basically like being in prison

Same, all my jobs have been full time.

people today have greater access to a high quality of life than any other time in history
boomers might have had more material wealth, but we still win due to superior technological and cultural advancements
if your life sucks today, your life probably would have sucked no matter when you were born

You just live with your parents

To be without work is unnatural for man. Even Adam tended to a garden. Slothfulness is the root of all sins. Christchads rise from NEEThood.

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>a high quality of life
By what metric? What do we have that makes our lives "quality"?

How is that "not contributing", faggot?
Lol coping NEET's.

>168 hours per week
>40 hour work week
The only way half your life will be spent at work is if you're a workaholic who cannot let themselves ever truly leave their job.

Literally same shit, different flavors.

I don't want to live in this society

I remember growing up asking my dad "why do you go to work every morning? "He said "you think I want too? Haha i have too"
That response always stuck with me because even though he looked miserable going to work, on the weekends he had all the money to do whatever the fuck he wanted, buy cars, buy DJ equipment, lawn care, build a shelf. Then he would go back to work during the week and the process would start all over again

Depends where you live and circumstances I guess. A friend of mine inherited a house from his grandmother and has only recently gotten a job after being out of school for 10 years. Dude has a family history of arthritis and apparently that's enough for the fucking AU government to hand out 1400 a fortnight.

Maybe 20 years ago. Open source art AI is about to be released and the first thing people will start training it on is porn. No one is going to pay you to make something that can be generated for free.

Become a stay at home dad. Comfy

Can I euthanize myself as an alternative to being a wagie?
40 years of work with a pathetic 2 weeks off per year seems like a sadistic punishment

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>work as a consultant in IT
>do essentially fuck all erryday and only perform when needed in useless meeting or to write copypaste reports

livin the life, fags

most first world countries have neetbux just for being unemployed

>working for yourself is impossible

Because you're not smart enough to figure it out.

I collect horse semen for a living

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Same. Working a job isn't even the problem for me, finding one is.

Im working to save enough money to open my own food truck and sell burgers and shit. Its all gonna work out bros, just be positive

why do we need money? All it does is keep the rich in power It's fucking bullshit

Haha. Go ahead and save it my friend.

hours per week
Well really somewhere around 112 hours, because sleep can't rightly be considered part of living.
And 40 hours is just what you get paid for. It takes me 30 minutes to drive to the office, and 30+ back so that's an extra 5 hours a week. I'd also say mandatory lunches are a part of work so another 2.5 hours. Some people would also say the morning prep to go to work counts as well.

It's definitely fair to call it half your life.

Why would anybody give you food, water, electricity, and shelter if you have no money to trade for it?

You guys are falling for the NEET meme.
Don't. It'll just have gaps on your resume.
Find a job. Stop being lazy.

>everything is owned by someone
>can't even shit in the woods without a permit
Society forces is forced onto everyone to create a low wage slave class for the rich

>he who does not work shall not eat
It's almost... Yeah it's ALMOST like Americans know absolutely nothing about Marx's theories but are convinced they know everything about them. Dunning-Kruger effect wins again.

what does he eat

this society SUCKS

>people today have greater access to a high quality of life than any other time in history
Debatable. Upward mobility is unattainable for the far majority of the population.
>boomers might have had more material wealth
And still do.
>we still win due to superior technological and cultural advancements
Technological advancements produced by boomers, lol. Most of these advancements are (a) not well understood except by specialists and (b) demonstrably working against the interests of individuals and society. As for "cultural advancements," lol again. You're fucked in the head if you think culture in the first world has improved in any way, shape or form over the past 50 years.
>if your life sucks today, your life probably would have sucked no matter when you were born
Sweeping generalization, therefore meaningless.

this is all temporary though and you can't claim unemployment without having worked previously

>You guys are falling for the NEET meme.
>Don't. It'll just have gaps on your resume.
>Find a job. Stop being lazy.

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I'd be willing to take fiat currency more seriously if it wasn't based on debt. It may as well be monopoly money.

you're 22 you have all the energy in the world literally do anything