Tonight: Can you really hate someone's gut and work with them for over 15 years because you simply make too much money...

>Tonight: Can you really hate someone's gut and work with them for over 15 years because you simply make too much money to stop?

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Yes, apparently. Last time I checked Adam was spending his time in his cave where he hoarded enough machines and materials to rival China's manufacturing industry, making youtube videos, toying with DIY and prop making. Adam is designing some tank for firefighters. Overall it looks like they both made enough money to fuck off and do what they like

Grant deserved better

I mean it'd be a really fun job, and you get to stare at Kari's ass all day.

Same as me except the amount that's "too much to quit" is also the bare minimum for survival.

Why did they hate each other?

the fact that you used Adam both times and works but using Jamie both times would also work is annoying

Many such cases.

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water and oil personalities

Its called being a professional

It is possible to not like a colleague and work together perfectly fine. Have you never worked?

I vaguely remember an occasion or two adam was being a total dick and not being understanding of jamie at all. Doesn't mean they "hate" each other just incompatible personalities friendship wise

Immaturity on both sides.

They didn't hate each other, they just weren't buddies like the show would imply. Both of them are too talented and knowledgable not to view the other with professional respect.

Fugg this isn't the first time this has happened to me. I am seriously considering whether I have some degree of retardation

I dont think they had THAT deep of a hatred towards each other as Jamie and Adam

Yeah it's called having a boss and having responsibilities

Adam Savage and Jeremy Clarkson: Reddit
James May and Jamie Hyneman: Any Forums

Jeremy has said some things reddit wouldn't like. Remember when he said nigger instead of tiger at the end of eeny meeny miny moe?

But yes, James May is the actually based one

Really OP?
You can work with whatever the fuck you want as long you are professionals and conduct yourselves like so. In work there are no friendship nor favorite political party nor views on life prerequisites to do your job (granted, that your employer is not such a bitch that he cares).
Kids these days think if someone voted contrary to their beliefs then is not someone worth working with. Come on kids grow some balls and do your work.
Basically, being professional is doing your job, make your best effort to do your tasks, help the company grow, talk to whoever you need to talk in order to achieve your goals. Sports, religion, political talk does not help to make anyone money in your average company, it is but a waste of resources..
all of my what. do they hate each other?


hence why he is reddit

Sorry, I don't get it, Clarkson said things redditors wouldn't approve of, so I don't understand how he's reddit