Population of 35 million

>population of 35 million
>not a single kino

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Theres an old one about a ufo landing dont remember what its called

soviet occupation prease understand

I thought it was Azerbaijan but I was wrong :(

post a real country I've never even seen that flag.

kino is haram in islamic culture

asshole uzbekistan

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>population of just 35 million
>somehow produces the best competitive gamer ever
wtf how did they do it

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They all too busy cleaning our streets

t., you can guess

unrelated but tuva has the most kino anthem of all time


Feel bad for India. They have 1.41 billion people, and not a single decent movie known outside of India.

sirs we can't stand this

Not about quantity butt quality.

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Soviet Kyrgyzstan has better anthem

true lmao. same for china and most of eastern europistan

Not true, watch the films of Ali Khamraev

Kim ochdi bu threadni?


I don't even know what country that is


Thanks user, I realized I knew nothing about Uzbekistan so I went on youtube and learned about it.

Seems like a cool place, lots of history.

Check out some Zarina Nizomiddinova movies

this is not quite true but the rules of islam do make 99% of film haram
that just isn't true

It's a shithole

Don't say me you watched that bald anglo video

Ko'tingni qis tupoy

China and Eastern Euro has a shit load of kino.

there's a moon in it
probably a -stan country

Nah i don't fuck with it. Sounds like any other internationalist communist anthem. The tuvan national anthem had fucking throat singers in it.

We have a lot of English learners. Soon Any Forums will be ruled by Uzbeks

*clears throat*

uzbek bros...

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Zarina Nizomiddinova - most famous Uzbek actress.

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why does she dress like a hooker

She's looks like a whore

Looks plastic and fake as fuck.
Part of me wants to fuck a bimbo but it would be hate fucking, I really have 0 respect for people who do shit like that to themselves.

Another big actress

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