She-Hulk to Make Fun of Incels and Misogynists

Damn Any Forums, everyone hates you. Can't wait to watch this now.

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Only watching for Daredevil.

Oh boy this sounds like they focused on making a really good film with a compelling story instead of just trying to make political propaganda. I'm sure it will be kino!

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No one's watching your show faggot. You'll be sucking cock for work again soon like every other hack that gets their trash cancelled.

>Incels are annoying but mostly harmless
What's the problem? You're being represented accurately for once instead of blamed for all the world's problems.

I remember the original definition of incel before this culture war madness

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>unfair views of women

>incel culture

let me see, in order to have any value in society, a man has to be able to convince a woman to pump his dick into one or more of her holes?

No you don't. Incel as a word only came about because of the culture war.

>making fun of people that wont watch your show

i wish writers would stop being so lazy

finally I feel represented

even before the show release 4channers already shitted on the show just see this vid comment

Zoomer detected. Involuntary celibacy and love shyness were terms used pre-culture war. I remember this stuff from forums in the late 2000s.

why dont they just make fun of feminists instead, everyone hates them

It’s just funny to see this because it’s still so utterly smug, but in a month it’ll be, “she-hill canceled due to online hate campaign driving down viewership.”
They literally cannot reflect upon the failures of these franchises, it’s all full steam ahead over the cliff. kek

>waah women are victims

When will they make the “bad” character a not white person

>implying I'm an incel
I have a good job and live near a city so I see escorts regularly.

Hollywood can only do that today if the protagonist is also non-white

Sure thing shill, I'm sure this marketing tactic will work this time.

yeah, i love how she's bitching about women being the victim... in a show where she's the star.

You're no longer a virgin but your remain an incel.

This show is dead before it even premieres, they have lost the support of the female and male audience, the Fiona Hulk memes and the dislikes records on youtube show that, Victoria Alonso has taken the MCU to the bottom of the pit

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Such an embarrassing mindset. How is the left so prudish about female sexuality yet willing to shit on virgins just for existing. You'd think men who could only get laid if a woman took charge and initiated the relationship would be the ideal male for these feminist.

Tatiana Maslany is fast approaching to be the most hated actress in the MCU, more than Brie Larson

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I would say this would make me not watch it, but I already wasn't going to watch it, just like all the other marvel shows.

i don't believe you understand what the fuck you're talking about.

feminists create incels to weed out chad

what happened to young white men?? holy fuck, would American Pie or similar even work today, would todays incel dominated audiences even get majority of jokes about sex unless they ‘haha, this girls has penis, lmao’…why is it so difficult just to go get laid compared to the 00’s?

It's almost like their belief system makes no sense at all and is just weird schizo nonsense. I've seen a lot of women complaining recently that men don't approach or cat call them anymore, after systematically shaming and criminalizing such behaviors for decades.

>love shyness
People don't know how crazy those niggas were

>why is it so difficult just to go get laid compared to the 00’s?
It's not, you're just a pussy. It's actually easier now than ever. With dating apps, I don't even have to leave my home, women come to me with minimal effort and no cost.

If you guys are so bothered by this just don't watch this garbage and stop giving it attention.

people are doing that so they are baiting them to hatewatch it

>It's not, you're just a pussy
I wasn’t asking about myself, genius, I was asking about the violent incel zoomer crowd
>dating apps
neck yourself

>punching down on the absolute lowest of the low
>"gee I wonder why all these random shootings keep happening"

Dating apps
10 percent of dudes are fucking 90 percent of women
Don't worry though more women are ending up alone in their 30s than ever before
The whores are unironically trading their futures

People in the industry are unironically using terms like 'incel'?

Jesus fucking christ

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Incels are made up primarily up with non-whites.

Being white gives you extra +2 points with non-white women.

go outside lmao
none of that is true

>social commentary on mysogyny and incel culture
wow that sure sounds interesting, I bet the writers and creative producers will be very happy they spent time on that instead of actually having a huge green lady Hulk smash bad guys in a fun way

>Incels are made up primarily up with non-whites
lol nice cope, literally every incel rampage related news headline I’ve seen has been a white dude

The marriage statistics and birthrates would disagree.