Dat do b da kweshtun

dat do b da kweshtun

Attached: datbdakweshtun.jpg (3840x2160, 766.96K)

why is that star wars alien wearing a sherrif costume?

They're finding the ugliest nogs to mock you.

*smacks lips*

2 be?

dey hea?


lmao, that nigress looks like black pepe

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that nigress IS black pepe

Happy to see Bill Cosby working again

To mock me? To mock ME?!?!
If I externalize my true thoughts and feelings towards niggers I'd be ostracized from planet earth itself, much less twatter or whatever. And they do this to mock me?
>I think niggers are not even human
>we know sweetie, here's a missing-link looking ass nigger
>are you feeling mocked yet sweetie?

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I would fuck that black queen.

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god damn that is one ugly fucking nigger

she'd be up for anything tho desu

nice 5 o clock shadow

Again, Blacks are unique and beautiful in their own way. white supremacists always elude to some metaphysical beauty that boils down to an allegory of whiteness. That entire belief system is profoundly racist and oppressive.

im not even white i just hate niggers

I'm white and I'm certain I already hate whatever mudrace you are from.

is that suppose to make me love niggers or something lol

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Holy mother of cope
Crowl back into your dark hole you bantu mutt from america.

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