Now that we're getting a release, what will it be like?

Word from people in the know (Fabrice du Welz on Twitter and also reported by some other sources) is that it's apparently coming soon in an edited form. Given what we know about the issues both with his actress and the more mundane ones with runtime and music, what are we in for? Will we see the notorious cunnilingus scene or at least part of it? Not long after the controversy, there was word of Kechiche removing the actress from the film entirely, but those who saw the film at Cannes say that that's borderline unthinkable given how prominent she is in this film in particular and in the series in general. In short, are we in for a streamlined, perfected version of what was screened at Cannes, or are we in for something that's Intermezzo in name only?

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this movie is unrealistic because nobody likes arabs

I like the ones like Kechiche.

It's super realistic in that people like butts and it's all about butts.

Soulless women want dog-men

I just want information on this film's release.

No unsimulated ten minute long cunnilingus scene, no watch.
Simple as

kek even goatfucker "artists" have to use their flicks to vent their insecurity and try to make their pathetic fantasies real
that said, kys OP

>kys OP
Only if we get no cunnilingus scene, user.

I dunno, man. It'd definitely be a tragedy if we didn't get to see it, but at this point I'm so starved for that chick's beautiful ass that I'd be happy with something even half as good as the first film.


The biggest and potentially best (and only) news in ages, but it's incredibly vague, understated and ominous. I just want them to hurry up and end the anxiety around what we're getting.



Thats all 'french' cinema is now. Racial fetishists with no talent being flattered by brainscrubbed turtlenecks

i just want more scenes of her huge ass

who is she

Sirs, please curb this highbrow talk: this is a coomer thread.

Based and Baupilled.

Ophélie Bau.

This film was absolutely savaged by the critical establishment for its male gaze.

This and a director's cut with longer scenes without cuts

And he should auction off the clothes that the actress wore during that scene to raise funds like he did with his Palme d'Or.