I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars

I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars

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Virgin here, wonder what it feels like?

It's like Lenny said: "you look for the person who will benefit and uhh..."

depends on the woman doing it. sometimes jerking off feels better, sometimes you'll remember the girl forever because of her skills

Tara Reid was super cute but then she did a ton of drugs and got a bunch of botched plastic surgery and she walked herself at the speed of light. Literally the fastest anyone has hit the wall in recorded history.

she looks like Sunny Lane

After you've had sex with over 2000 thots like myself your cock gets so desensitized that is feels like a dead weight

i'll slap you around for free

Giv me one tousand dollars

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I just gotta go find a cash machine

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what was he thinking about here?

Probably trying to hide the fact that he pays her 1k for a blowie every week

coke and heroin

why did he draw that anyway


> a thousand dollars
Best I can do is 20 dollars

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>I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars
wat do?

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Wet and warm

it was just a doodle and he's a weird guy

Definite homage to Debra Winger in Wilder Napalm

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Like fucking a bag of sad, in both appearance and demeanour.

bit warm. depends on how deep she goes. and how well she does it.

While a based Sunny Lane admirer, I disagree she looks like Sunny Lane.

>why did he draw that anyway

There's a trope in detective stories and novels where someone sees someone else on the phone, they write down a number, then you go to the pad and shade it to reveal what was written. Here it just shows some nonsense doodle. And utlimate the mystery turns out to be nothing and there's no big conspiracy after all.

Ask her why she got tit surgery from Moses

Drop two zeros and we got a deal. No way she's got money now.