How good is Hellraiser?

I know almost nothing about this series besides the fact that they get joy from pain etc.
Are the movies depicting a slasher movie or something what Saw was?

Attached: Hellraiser.png (1720x967, 2.31M)

The first, and lamest, fallacy is they "get pleasure from pain." Originally the whole point was you would experience feelings BEYOND what you could comprehend. This MIGHT feel painful, but it wasn't as simple as "cenobites will hurt you." Later films took this though and ran with the simple and lame concept that the labyrinth was "hell."

First two movies are good

Too dark for my taste. When I was younger and looking for edgy shit, it was right up my alley. Now that I'm almost on my way out, I don't need any more shit scaring me into thinking there's dark evil shit coming after death.

The first couple are good, closer to a slasher film than modern torture shit like Saw but still pretty rough in parts

Better in theory. It is fun to imagine what inter-dimensional realms the Cenobites have visited. Mostly lame in the movies though since you don’t get even a glimpse of them.

not sure how to describe the first two movies but they're not slasher, nor anything close to saw (beyond a scene or two of physical torture, but the movies are not about people constantly being tortured in new and clever ways). they explore something closer to what bataille defined as a limit experience, a threshold where pain sort of loses all meaning. or at least that's what the cenobites in the film aim to do, it's not really their fault the human body can't withstand such experiences.

anyway, the first movie was directed by clive barker, and it was an adaptation of a novella he wrote. the second movie he did not direct as he was busy working on another adaptation, but he was very involved with the process (and it was directed by someone who was similarly involved with the first) so there's continuinity between those two.

after that the studio got merged with another and ever since they pump out a hellraiser sequel every few years lest they lose the rights to the ip. and their method to write each new sequel seems to be "take whatever script you last read and just write 'pinhead shows up at the end' and call it a day"

so if anything watch the first two. if you want something closer to a slasher movie, watch 3. if you want some (fanfic) explanation of where the box came from, watch 4. after that you're on your own and i take no responsability if you end up wasting your time with shitty flicks

Absolutely terrible, watch ‘Nightbreed’ instead.

It's an interesting horror premise and the costumes are cool. The first two movies are good and very creative, BUT they were made on an extremely tight budget and that eventually shows up in the completed picture no matter how good your story and crew are. They're more fun if you're actually into BDSM.

Okay so it's like Martyrs then? Since you mentioned the "limit experience" and "threshold where pain sort of loses all meaning".

Only the first 2 movies are good. They’re not really slashers. It’s kind of its own thing. I can’t think of comparable movies. You can’t go wrong with them, just avoid the later movies. They’re not really Hellraiser.

Hellraiser is nothing like Saw. There are some slasher-like kills, but it's not a slasher either. I'd describe it as a supernatural horror shot on an obviously tight budget. The effects that they do have are for the most part clever and they do hit home, with maybe one small exception. It's got a good, very novel, if simple story and the protagonist is a cute girl. It's a good film and worth watching.

I can't speak for the sequels, but the general consensus seems to be that 2 is acceptable and the rest are borderline fanfic tier.

It's meh. Just read the book (it's very short) and then watch the first one. The rest is even worse.

Attached: hellboundhusp1a.jpg (300x496, 17.38K)

>George R.R. Martin
Huh.. looky there

even worse: theres nothing

First and fifth are the only good Hellraiser movies. 2 is good too but killed the series.

the first Hellraiser is good, and it really just juxtaposes sex and violence to make you feel uneasy. There's a great scene where characters are trying to push a mattress through a doorway, and their grunting as they try to force it through sounds a lot like sex, and then one guy cuts his hand open on a nail accidentally.

There are hints that the cenobites get off on pain, but it's more hinted at than anything. The only thing we know for sure is they like to torture people.

Pinhead found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting red water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

I don't mind if there's nothing. But the reality of this reality is that it's pretty fucking hard to explain how all this shit came from absolutely fucking nothing. That makes as littles sense as the whole god story. It's a 50/50 shot. Either all this shit just "poofed" out of fucking nowhere or god was always here and snapped it into place and is really just watching this shitshow unfold ready to fuck us over yet again after we die.

I liked the first 3. The space one was alright. Deader and hellworld? I think not worth a watch . I really enjoyed judgement

Oh I forgot to mention I wanna stick my breakfast sausage in Julia's English muffin