What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Spielberg and Lucas destroyed cinema

Attached: 6CE8705D-DD34-4EAC-A89E-15460DBEEA30.png (774x770, 601.42K)

We had a pretty good run from 1971 to 2010 I'd say
What a shitty thing to say to a kid

based faggot

The real kino is from 20s to 80s
The 90s aren't really that great movie-wise. I think many anons are nostalgic for the culture back then but the actual movies are mostly meh

how were the top 10 in each decade picked?

It's not top 10 best ones, it's the ones I feel exemplify the decade, for example most popular, or most indicative of widely held values

he's right

new hollywood ended when spielberg made jaws and lucas made star wars. it was never the same after that.

So does each decade have the 5 most popular and then 5 that you think reflects widely held values or do some decades contain more of the latter than others?

This is very true. The 90s are extremely overrated. That's not to say that the movies were bad - they weren't. Just the previous decades were much better honestly. If you think about the overrated "classics", there's a big chance it's a film from the 90s, e.g. Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, Titanic or L.A. Confidential. Again, they're not bad - they're just not the best. Somehow, they often end up at the top of polls.

It's not mutually exclusive
For example The Birth of a Nation is both

Your taste is absolutely fucking awful.

It's not about taste retard, I haven't even seen half of the movies on the list

>I haven't even seen half of the movies on the list

I counted it now and I've seen 99/141. It's not a favorites list

well if the goal is to have both simultaneously you should replace Moonlight with The Social Network

It’s not consistent with what was popular or highly rated at all either. You are an idiot.


The Social Network isn't as notable as Moonlight, it won Best Picture as a political statement of gay niggers against Drumpfler Cheetolini
Your mama is popular

>The Social Network isn't as notable as Moonlight
disregarding everything you have said


Attached: 2022 in films.jpg (1920x1920, 891.39K)

It really isn't. Everybody knows Zucc is le bad but nobody cares. On the other hand the worshipping of niggerfaggots has been turned into America's new civil religion


>The 'Teddy' Bears (1907)

Boxing Cats is kino
