If this doesn't move you, nothing will.

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have sex, incel. also, you will never be white, shart.

brb just driving to the gas station to kill more hohols

>bro let's just grind the entire EU to a bloody and frozen halt because hohols and ruskies just can't stop genociding eachother

Fuck off.

i dont undwrdtand currency exchange in the digital era, what exactly means to pay in dollars or rubles? its just zeros in a bank account.

I have an electric car and I couldn't care less about gas prices.

>lives only matter when they are yuropoors like you

Um sweaty, isn’t this like racist?

imagine supporting a communist shithole led by a slavic glownigger

I honestly don't care, most of the world has also stopped caring. Russia should just fucking end it by doing mass bombs on the unoccupied cities.

Pretty good

It's the average consumers fault! all while energy companies make the highest profits ever

I will now buy you're gas

not my problem

what? my NPC mother was saying that what's happening in Ukraine was 'just like what the Nazis did'. had to control my face to not burst out laughing.

>Ukrainian genocide
oh, so white genocide is real now?


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Proud to be Lithuanian and not buying muscovite farts anymore, luv to my Ukraine frens.

Instead of telling civilians to fuck their lives up for some shitty 2nd world country why aren't they asking Zelensky and his ilk to stop sending their people to certain death instead of negotiating with one of the most powerful military nations on the planet?

the war is horrible but also stupid, and people pay way to much attention to it, it doesnt really effect any of them anyway, the problem is Russia and their energy hold on the eu, especially on germany, also the economic war the elite is pushing.

>you don't pay for Russian gas in Euro and Rubbel, you pay in the lives of other Europeans
Where can I find this gas station that accepts the lifes of shitalians and Swedecucks as payment instead of my hard earned money?

I can't exactly agree with the messaging but I have to concede that's a pretty effective ad.

problem is they can't create advertising that effective in favor of woke so people are already too in favor of russia to fall for it

I've managed to avoid talking to people about the war mostly but I tripped up and blurted out in front of my family while the news was on that maybe hospitals wouldn't get bombed if they weren't hiding inside them.

which of course with my sisters knowledge of the situation it sounded like I was saying sick and injured civilians were in the hospital that shouldn't have been. good thing my mother was there to calm things down a bit

Not my problem.