Films with this style of humour?

Films with this style of humour?

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Adam Sandler's Click

this wasn't funny even 15 years ago

Why is libtard reddit humor always like an essay long?

Yes it was


Cringe Reddit humour you mean? Well just try any of the fag movies that Reddit like. The Chink Multiverse one, any Marvel movie or anything with Reddit-approved Jigaboos

as always
(from the eyePhone episode)

>le swearing is le funny
Glad summer is ending soon.

Something with Danny McBride in it.

That's peak biden. Absolute paedophile senility meme. That's vaxxed and boosted level cringe.

Summer is ending but September is eternal


The Onion. It's literally just this.

full metal jacket

I'd really like to eat lasagna but I'm too stupid to make it on my own and all store bought lasagna is fucking filled with bechamel which tastes like shit.

Garfield starring Bill Murray

Everytime i've eaten lasagna, i've always gone from "Oh yeah! Lasagna!" to "Oh yeah. :/ lasagna." Why does this shit always look so good but taste so fucking absolulte mid.

this was Any Forums humor 15 years ago

Team America World Police




unironically Idiocracy.

Double dog Dilate, troon. This is MAGA country.

>I heckin love bacon and lasagna just like Garfield the cat!

Attached: 1611874006876.png (427x400, 12.25K)

This. Feel the same way about pasta too

Rent free

Because the liberal mindset is unreality. In their world, somebody with a dick can be a woman. A recession isn't really a recession. A raid isn't really a raid. Two dudes can have a child together. Etc. Etc. Etc.

All that insane shit takes a lot of words to explain.