Admit it. Jaws made you think about going into the ocean

Admit it. Jaws made you think about going into the ocean.

Attached: 1F1FDFD3-4002-4D88-9845-FDD4A1DB724F.jpg (1000x430, 56.11K)

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yes it did, and Subnautica and many other forms of media have made me avoid the ocean by all means

I went snorkeling in the ocean once, it was fucking terrifying.

I played ARK for like 2 months before going more than 10m down into the ocean it was too spooky.

Jaws overly demonized sharks. The truth is, though, they don't really want anything to do with us. Even Great Whites just investigate. Most people don't even realize they're being checked out. As long as you pay attention and behave appropriately, you're not getting eaten by a shark.

What they did to demonize Orcas is even worse.

Attached: Orca - The Killer Whale.jpg (1175x1763, 571.03K)

no, i was always uneasy about going into oceans or lakes
who knows what might lurk beneath the surface?

obviously, I watched it as a kid and it scared the shit out of me

I am agoraphobic when it comes to big open water regardless.

makes sense
lmao who tf is scared of lakes?

theres a billion scary things like these waterplants in which your legs will get entangled and then you drown very slowly

I just arrived at the ocean this evening. I'll be dipping my dick in it tomorrow morning. Hope it sees a silly shark!/

8 foot carps
Giant muskies

>couldn't even go into a swimming pool as a kid because I thought there were would be a shark
thanks a lot jaws and banjo kazooie

hop in dude

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I have the same, while playing Sea of Thieves. It's really weird. I know it's just a game, and yet, taking a dive feels very unnatual, and I avoid it completely during ingame nighttime.

>text text text
Man, old posters fucking sucked.

>investigate the giant crashed ship
>only entrance is at the rear
>scuttled around the metal hull like a bitch
>suddenly see the silhouette of a giant eel-like monster

Attached: shockedpepe.jpg (460x397, 63.51K)

I avoided the ocean anyway cause I just don't like getting wet

No, but Joker (2019) made me think twice about going to the cinema.

no shark ever called me a "fucking white male"

The stories about the navy ships sinking and the survivors (even uninjured and not bleeding) being picked off or sharks following life rafts waiting for someone to jump in or surfers losing legs waiting for a wave make it seem like more of a location thing. If you're at the beach you're less likely to run into one to begin with and if you do they are probably too cautious to try picking you off. But after a certain depth the number that see you goes up and so does the risk because of it.

>What they did to demonize Orcas is even worse.
Killer whales used to attack people, before the age of industrialized whaling. We taught them to fear us, and ever since then they've been teaching their young that humans are dangerous and should not be trifled with.

No it didnt, its fictional

but this did

If you don't like words, it's got a nice picture for you to look at instead. Much better than modern movie posters.