Who actually orders a tuna sandwich?

Who actually orders a tuna sandwich?

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Tuna can be pretty good. Not from some bodega though. Mia doesn’t seem like someone who’d be thorough when it came to restaurant sanitation.

I get tuna subs from pizza places sometimes

you always had me

That's what I eat when there's nothing in the fridge.

YO, try reddit from now on, get yourself a double upvote with fries for 2.95, FAGGOT

The problem isn't that it isn't good, problem is anybody can make one in less than 5 minutes.

>Trying to protect his life and livelihood
>Is portrayed as the bad guy

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they don't really o'brian is just trying to save vince and dom and the guys


>900 HP vs 600 HP
How did Dom lose

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Heavier car?

it's a metaphor for her pussy

You're not reading into the subtext of ordering a tuna sandwich

Tuna salad is pretty great with the right veggies.

i like the shitposts here

>“I live my life a captcha at a time . . . For those ten seconds or more, I’m frustrated.”

yellowfin tuna is great

He wasn't at home though, he was working. The only mistake was the guy thinking he was just there to fuck the sister

Tuna melts are the shit.
With a crisp pickle on the side.

i always thought something along those lines. Perhaps she liked to smear a lil pussy juice on those sammiches she was making for him so that's why he liked it so much and eventually got in love with her.

Unironically its movie shorthand OP.

Its an easy way to let the audience know this character is about the business at hand, not frivolous things like a fancy meal.

Just about everybody. With an iced tea

its canned tuna and fake mayo what level of sanitation do you think is required

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I have a theory. What if Too Much Tuna is a symbolic reflection of the two older New Yorkers' non-sexual gay relationship? The tuna is a metaphor for the female erogenous zone and having an unnecessary abundance of it represents their innate desire to distance themselves from it, perhaps stemming from repressed homoerotic tendencies. Or maybe there's just too much tuna.

Imagine having a comfy group of friends like those guys, Vin Diesel, his sister, the latino lesbo girl, Paul Walker, Leon... Barbecue together, beers... it seems paradise.

why does it seem like cities and current society destroys the possibility of something like that? You're a wagie in a big city, you can't do shit and the few friends you have are completely controlled by their missus. They start feeling nervous after the 3rd drink, checking his phone... you can see it on tv too. The only middle age men that have a comfy group of friends are gangsters. Fast and furious, the sopranos, sons of anarchy... good boys end up like Walter White, being absorbed by their hysterical missuses.

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Dorito is a shit driver.

2001 Jordana Brewster I’d eat her shit and gargle her piss if you catch my drift

you just need to work together in a job which isn't totally soulless like being in a drug squad or racing cars

My best friends are a Mexican an Italian and a Han Chinese American. I'm German and Irish and my gf is Korean. It exists bro.

You are soooo diverse and accepting. Lefties must be proud of you.