What is the zoomer equivalent to this movie?

What is the zoomer equivalent to this movie?

Attached: dazedandconfused.jpg (960x1440, 283.16K)

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The millennial equivalent is Superbad. I'm not sure what the zoomer equivalent would be though.

they haven't made that yet i'm pretty sure

What would the zoomie version of Dazed and Confused even be?

probably some movie on Netflix about depression that demoralizes the viewer

Eighth Grade

what was that suicide show on Netflix? that one

This movie was fucking stupid.

This is a movie made in the 90s about the 70s... so are you asking what is a movie made recently about the 90s? Something like this I guess

Attached: MV5BNjc2OTg5NTM1NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODM3MTMyNA@@._V1_[1].jpg (1009x1500, 293.31K)

Project X

one of the shittiest movies i've seen that people praise.

it's a party movie. seething incels routinely get filtered by it because they can't relate.

project x
but neither superbad nor that have anything approaching the soul of Dazed & Confused

It would be 5 main characters that never interact with each other but all walk around with selfie sticks streaming what they do, scream unintelligible musings and shaking their bodies into the camera. Each perspective then does a reaction video of the others vod. Insert popular neologisms and fashion. Repeat for 90 mins and then end with fade to black and play EDM music that is phase shifted to distortion and has too much base

That's Millennials. Zoomers have never been to a house party.

Ehhhhhh...that's debatable. Lots of teens in the mid-2010s were doing stupid shit on Vine at house parties.

Project X (not the good one with the monkey)

imagine hating this movie, real incel hours


No one hates this movie. You have to be a pretentious faggot to not enjoy it.

Cheeto-stained zoomer tranny claws typed this

The party it's based on was a millennial's party in 2008, the main guy is a millennial, zoomers were like 15 at the oldest when the movie came out.
This is the guy a few years later.
That's a millennial.

alright alright alright

Milla on the cover.. in the movie less than a minute