Why did Japan stop making kino movies?

Why did Japan stop making kino movies?

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>target demographic is men
>target demographic is teenage girls

Your image feels less about movies and more about Eastern beautify standards separated by more than half a century.

It's because the modern world is boring and soulless so there's nothing worth making movies about. The two major Japanese film movements - the Golden Age and New Wave, occurred during times of great social upheaval and modernization in Japan. The present just doesn't compare

>japan back then
Kurosawa is westernized japan.

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God I love modern Japan. Japanese bishounens from Osaka are the best.

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>OP doesn’t know about wakashu

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I don't get it, are all asian women just lesbians?

Holy fuck Yuto is so cool

Shoplifters was kino but let me guess, you've never seen or heard of it (despite it winning awards and being well known amongst cinema lovers) because you're a fucking pleb?

No, they just like the soft type of beauty and men that are more sensitive.

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Right, they're lesbians. Got it.

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Your pic answers that question. No more mifune

Brutal mogging.

Jomon chad

right above your post is abe hiroshi

Who are these Indonesians

they lost the connection to the world. they can't even learn english.

they lost the culture war to koreans of all people

glorious JOMON BVLLS taking their rightful place as CONQUERING CHADS
the yay*i menace in full display. Perverted chinese and korean globalist influence

>Somone asks a question
>Somone responds to the question
>The first person ignores it and pats himself on the back for being le-""""""""""ironic"""""""""" and not saying anything worth of substance

Every person on Any Forums in the nutshell. No wonder why this board is such a shithole that no one cares about when most people here just come to post one thing and then either ignore all the replies or just leave the website and not even care if someone responds to them in the first place. Most people who use this board really are just people who started using the internet for the first time in their lives like a week ago and really seem to not get that website like this exists for making discussions about something instead of posting one-sided statement and leaving the thread immediately after and ignoring the points of all the other people. Just a bunch of mentally retarded boomers or normies who keep ignoring each other like retards instead of actually talking about a subject matter. Even Any Forums doesn't have this problem.

So the legends are true...

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they dont even do weird kinos like 964 pinocchio or tetsuo

You take yourself way too seriously.