It's a "Truman blows $50 on a bunch of udemy courses that he never watches" episode

> It's a "Truman blows $50 on a bunch of udemy courses that he never watches" episode

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>its a Truman hasnt spoken to his family in 15 years despite living with them episode
what a weirdo what the fuck does he do in that room all day

>its a truman can feel the cia beaming thoughts into his mind about fucking trannies episode

>it's a Truman's wife is out of town so he masturbates naked in every room of the house episode

>its a truman whacks off to a jessy dubai vid again

>It's a truman says he plays video games and watches movies but he hasn't played a video game in a decade and hasn't watched a movie in 5 years despite being a NEET his entire life
>even people with full time jobs + overtime know more about his hobbies than he does
What the fuck does he do all day?he's like an autistic but he has no hobby? I don't understand

look I'm working on builds, okay? I want to do it right this league.

>It is an episode where Truman thinks about the future of Warner Brothers DC
We're in for some real kino soon!

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uhjhh i uhhh uuhh uh i

>tfw i did this after having a really shitty day working minimum wage. only did the first intro lesson and haven’t logged in since

>it's a "Truman's porn search gradually evolves over an hour into watching gore videos with his dick in his hand" episode

>even people with full time jobs + overtime know more about his hobbies than he does
I bet he could name all their favorite porn scenes and the actresses in them and also give you a reference to an especially good video featuring them

>truman doesn't even watch porn either
That's the thing man. It's weird. How can you be that much of a void

>it's a truman writes

> It's a "Truman drinks too much at thanksgiving and calls his brother's Chinese wife a 'gook whore' for giving him a bad Pictionary clue" episode

>It's a truman spends one week day dreaming about a novella he wants to write, finally sits down and does a first 'chapter' of a couple hundred words
>he deletes it all the next day in a fit of embarrassment

>It's a 'Trumab decides to learn to draw after being envious of artists his entire life and is surprised at how well he manages to do on just a day of dedicated study and drawing and how much he enjoyed it' episode
>next several seasons he never does it again and goes back to crying and whining about art and talent despite actually doing really well the first time he picked up a pencil
I don't get these fucking writers

>it’s a Truman tried applying for jobs but realizes he’s wildly unqualified for anything except fast food or the most menial of labor for minimum wage

Damn this bitch is gonna die

>Its a "Truman goes out with his far more attractive friend friend and has to sit there while all the women give him attention while he just sits there wondering if he's really so ugly no women will even look his way."

>Truman doesn't want to go home and just slumps at Denny's until five in the morning

>it's a truman realizes he's not even qualified for those jobs because he sucks ass at socializing and he doesn't have the physicality for menial labor episode
What the fucks gonna happen now

>truman showers then turns on hair dryer to blow in a random direction at his body while he's sitting head in hand, closed eyes, enjoying the sound of white noise while ruminating on his life failures and wondering is there any hope for his future or should he just honorably end it episode

>It's Truman fucks up his back so much he can't work a normal job anymore and he has no money for treatment episode

>It's a "Truman remembers all the good times he used to have with his friends just shooting the breeze and hanging out late at night at the Diner and tries to text them to see if they can make it regular thing again but they all have families and obligations now and give him a polite brush off and now he feels truly alone" episode

>it’s a viewers have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than harass and abuse Truman
this is getting old desu
just let the guy do his thing