I miss it like you wouldn't believe. Nothing has recaptured how it made me feel

I miss it like you wouldn't believe. Nothing has recaptured how it made me feel.

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The Leftovers
Twin Peaks S3
are my holy trinity

I never finished the third season because of got sick of the show pulling the same trick "You thought you were preventing something? You actually caused it you fucking fool! You absolute bell end!"

So bland and soulless, germs gotta do better

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Be careful!

I just finished it two days ago. Was unprepared for the sheer amount of KINO I was to experience. My major complaint about the show is that the plot was somewhat predictable most of the time, falling into the same story beats that most time travel stuff fall into; there's only so many times I can see LE CLOSED LOOP and LE INFINITE RECURSION before I get bored. But the way they approached it was respectable, and s3 actually managed to take it in a good direction that surprised me a few times. The ending alone raised the level of the show by a few rungs. Music, atmosphere, acting, all top notch.
Noah did nothing wrong

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Could not care about everyone unexisting at the end, the characters were to cold, machine like and German for me to see them as people

Checked but the ending is worth it fren, I was feeling the same way until the last two episodes when things got heavy

You have been conditioned by The Media to feel this way about the Germanic people
Just think about that

>t. Longnose tribe

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The only person in the entire series who did nothing wrong was Michael. The rest of them did lots of wrong.

One of the few works of kino that actually made me want the incestuous couple to be together.

>nooo don’t smash my mediocre tv show to bits

Every character on this series is an unlikable cunt.
Every. Single. One.
How can you invest so much in characters that are so trash.

You think you are better than everyone because you say you dislike things others cherish. You are not original, simply cringe.

>he thinks Katerina did anything wrong
her going back in time to find mikkel and ulrich was based. She pushed kid hannah against a locker, which was megabased because hannah is a massive psycho cunt. The only thing she did wrong was getting killed by her mom

>he thinks Ulrich did something wrong
going Cainmode on young hegel was based as fuck, he just didnt go far enough. I guess he did cheat on a wife as dank as Katerina, so you got me there

>he thinks Noah did anything wrong
killing a bunch of kids to create a time machine is pure sigma male energy and you know it

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>it's just time travel bro
>it's just some ebil priest bro
>lets fight a revolution bro
holy cringe not to mention the anti nuclear power sentiment through the entire show shitflix not even once

You bring up a piece of media to discuss and people are going to give their honest opinions, don’t like it move to reddit.

I dropped it on the first sex scene, so weird.

unironically watch Lost


Good taste, but Leftovers was ultimately too meandering for me to like. Twin Peaks meanders in a kino way however.

>I need quips and jokes in order to care about characters!

please die

The German language is just so pefect for anger
and rage
this woman scared me

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Damn bro, honestly, I'm gonna have to tell you that your opinion is trash, bro, sorry man

will we ever experience kino like this again, OP?

Not your bro pleb

We have always experienced this kino;
We are experiencing it now;
And we will always experience it;
On and on. On paths. In circles. Inside or outside. Forever...