Im addicted to hood films this stuff is amazing

im addicted to hood films this stuff is amazing

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Want to watch Menace 2 society
>Can't find the first one anywhere online
Nigga bros...

>He didnt search the deep web for Menace I society

>I’m gonna ask some real simple questions and I want some real simple answers
What was his problem?

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you know you done fucked up right?

Watch the wire

t. 15yo

Baby Boy is the best hood comedy ever made.

what’s the hood movie about the black guy who’s an assassin but the gangbangers try to kill him with the guns sideways and he fucks them up?

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Fuck off, that shit is not hood. Its what whites and jews think is hood

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Hurry up and buy!

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I feel sorry for your mother.

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Friday is still my favorite hood movie. My wigger friends and I must have seen it a hundred times. Next Friday less so, except Pinky's scene.

Love that movie.

ghost dog?

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why they keep the pencils behind the counter

why is it the most poplar series ever?
maye aside from bb or supranos
because it's reaally not that good