>tremendous amounts of forced diversity

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Are you the guy from the other day who was claiming that Predator 2 was "woke" because Danny Glover's posse consisted of two Latinos and a white guy

We can tell you're just really young because you've clearly watched predator because prey just came out

They've been doing this routine for years now, trying to justify current shit by saying people would hate Ellen Ripley or Clubber Lang if they were in a movie now.

>pre-2000’s diversity
Hey we’re friends and that’s super cool. Everyone should get along.
>post-2000’s diversity
White people suck and being brown and/or female is a literal superpower.

fa/tv/irgins would seethe at ripley to be quite frank with you

>the only white male american constantly makes vagina jokes like amy schumer

I'm an old fag mother fucker. And in old enough to know that Any Forums is a Siggy board. Get the fuck out

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just shut the fuck up and get that titlet out of here

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Once you start watching older shows you realize the west was always woke. I was watching Roseanne and there is an episode where she forces her soon to kiss a black girl.

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>her soon
her soon to be what user

>making their kid go through it and get it out their system at a younger age when it'll be less problematic
Based Roseanne treating nogs like chicken pox

>Produced and directed by Stanley Kramer
>Kramer was born in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City. His parents were Jewish

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Based and WBSpilled

you're new as fuck, you're posting on your phone and can't understand Any Forums would still rather ripley be the damsel in distress

Its not forced if the characters are good!

Get the fucking point.

>>tremendous amounts of good casting
Stay dumb, nigglet

This desu. I go back and read older comics once in a while, and no matter the run, the era, the title, there's always going to be something woke about it. These people were always the same, and they've always dominated pop culture. It's just that back then the issues used to be
>muh womyn
>muh fags
>muh nogs
But now that all of those battles have been won, they've moved on to other topics like trannies. I picked up Hawkworld because I always heard that it was a solid 90s Sci-Fi title, and 3 issues in the redhead's cheating on her white partner and getting fucked by a nigger in an all-nigger jazz club. I picked up Dr. Fate after not having read that run in a decade+, and pic related. I pick up an Alan Moore comic and there's bound to be something about fags and niggers. Maybe 6 issues into his Swamp Thing there's a whole storyline about a plantation owner's wife getting niggered and coming back as a ghost to have her vengeance after he skinned her niggerlover alive. X-Men's filled with that. On and on and on. Movies and comics and everything were always, ALWAYS pozzed. The wokies are right in that regard; 90% of pop culture was always political and left-biased. We just didn't notice it.

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Wow, a "chud's" brain really looks like the current media landscape for some reason

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>Forced diversity: When you blackwash a white character or introduce POC in situations that don't belong
You don't know what forced diversity means.

No one fucking cares. Back then it wasn't forced and sure as hell did'n spread hatred towards white people or men in general. The story and the characters was the only thing that mattered back then. Now today it's the opposite of that, only race or gender matters now and people wonder why movies are dead

Having a single black is already forced diversity, tranny

>Claiming that it's "woke"

HAHAHA! Doesn't this retard know that many snowflake liberals cry that Predator 2 is racist as hell despite the diverse casting? Modern movie critics hate Predator 2 and complain about racist stereotypes and racist allegory

You sound pathetic when you chastise others for using their phone. Why tf would I sit at my desk to get on Any Forums? Are you that fucking fat with nothing to do? No hobbies? No house to work on? Nothing to tinker with? I thought so. Get angry over dumb shit, who tf cares how someone gets here. Sperg boys