*rolls dice*

>*rolls dice*
>you come to a ravine
>there is a raging river 50ft. below, at the bottom
>there are the remains of an old rope bridge across, all that's left are two ropes one 10ft. above the other
>walking around it will take several days
>what do you do, , mr. bond?

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you walk around it obviously
sneak past the theifs camp and then ignore the villagers from the local dairy farm and wahey youre across the ravine

>you do not get to decide what is and isn't there, mr. bond. this is dungeons & dragons and I am the dungeon master
>you spend several days walking around the outskirts of the ravine. Your rations are depleted and your waterskin is dry
>There is a mountain to your north and the ravine to your south
>What next?

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Kill Jester

>There. Is. No. Jester.
>I'm afraid the longer you take the more time you will be spending in the wilderness.
>Nightfall is soon. Hunger and exhaustion will come to you, Mr. Bond, if you do not act

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Roll for intimidation

can i travel down the ravine ?
if so will that get me any closer to my actual destination?

I set traps and then forage for berries and root vegetables. If I come across any deer or rabbits I shoot at them with my Walther Bow.

Yes, yes, well done, GM, well done, HOWEVER my wisdom bonus on top of my survival proficiency should make acquiring provisions child’s play.
Unless, of course, there are no such provisions available. But surely not GM would railroad a party in good conscience?

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>There is nothing to intimidate
>You have spent several days walking to the other side of the ravine. You may attempt to descend down into the ravine from the northern side if you wish
>It will require your rope and a secure place to tie it
>I set traps and then forage for berries and root vegetables
>*rolls dice*
>you fail to find anything edible and have lost considerable time searching the planes and woods nearby. The sun begins to set, Mr. Bond
>HOWEVER my wisdom bonus on top of my survival proficiency should make acquiring provisions child’s play
>I'm afraid you have rolled too poorly for you to attempt to strongarm me into giving you what you want, Mr. Bond.
>There is no railroad. No story. No plan set in motion. You are hungry, thirsty, tied and have the world at your fingertips.

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Jingle is dead. Gaym ova

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Jump the ravine, I'm wearing the feet of Hermes

Can't stop me

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How am I out of water when I'm right next to a ravine?

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I take the jungle canyon rope bridge with my tin pail of faggots

Why wouldn't you tell us how wide the ravine is at the top?

Craig's movies were mediocre. Are there any good older bond movies?

Sorry user I only watch movies that have Mikkelsen

master of thief camp has 90% detect noise and catches you