*freeze frame*

*freeze frame*
*record scratch*

Attached: heche.png (639x514, 566.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


should freeze the flame instead

Attached: 1430019489493.gif (400x226, 969.55K)

>The attempt of crashing this house has left me scarred and deformed. But, I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!

>clearly alive
>desperately fighting against her "rescuers"
>firemen putting her in the ambulance with no paramedics in sight
>all caught on camera
They really panicked when she didn't die in the crash as planned. I wonder how much they're paying the family to not ask questions about why she was clearly alive and conscious after the crash, yet was then suddenly in a coma and now brain dead.

Back in the good old days, Any Forums would have not only exposed this kind of thing, but also found out what she knew and why they decided to kill her.

Attached: real.jpg (719x720, 149.3K)


kill yourself schizo

Attached: glowing.jpg (419x424, 34.72K)

yeah no one ever died from their injuries

Or...she was a coked up idiot who crashed her car into someones house and is going to die as a result


>ask not what your bottle of Smirnoff Ice in the glove compartment can do for you, but ask what these British-designed brakes can do to decelerate into this house

Attached: 621B828E-5C6B-4C67-9C2E-F126AA0978D1.jpg (785x1000, 96.24K)

> D-list celebrity dies in a car crash
> this is somehow connected to the top echelons of the entertainment industry and government
go shit up another website


Booooooo you sucj get off the stage

Anne Heche, actress who kind of dropped off. Biggest claim to fame was being the girlfriend of Ellen Degeneres for a few years. A couple days ago she got into an incident with some people at an apartment building. Then got into another with some people at a self storage place and rammed one of the buildings a few times with her car before taking off. Then she flew down a street in her car at high speed, lost control and flew into someones house. The car stopped two feet from the homeowner. The car burst into flames. She was cooking in the car for at least a few minutes before the fire department arrived and pulled her from the car. She had severe burns. She was in so much pain they had to put her in a coma. Then she got worse and they had to put her on a ventilator. Her family released a statement saying she apparently was oxygen deprived while in the burning car, which caused brain damage. They're now keeping her alive to figure out how many of her organs are viable for donation before they pull the plug. They took her blood at the hospital when they brought her in and found cocaine and fentanyl in her system.

Webm related, her in pain as the fire fighters put her in an ambulance after pulling her from the burning car

Attached: heche flailing in pain.webm (1600x900, 1.81M)


Anne Hash

I really don't give a shit what happens to celebrities, Moshe

That's some horror kino right there.

To have the kind of career she did in Hollywood and move in the kind of circles she did, you have to be initiated fully into the Hebraic cult. Knowing their secrets is a means of control and a threat about what will happen if you reveal them. You don't get to decide to just leave one day, and betrayal is punished severely. Why do you think Ellen basically said she doesn't give a shit when asked about it? Her former lover and friend and she acted like someone was telling her a bug had been squashed.

This whole thing very obviously stinks and yet there's zero media scrutiny, as per usual. It's also being massively widely reported all over the globe, despite her being a "D-list celebrity" as you say. Clearly this was meant to be a humiliation ritual. Crazy old women drunk and high kills herself in spectacular fashion. Except now we know she survived the crash, because they got caught in the act and footage now exists of her fighting for her life.

kek'ing at the fact she got drunk on free vodka she was promoting on her podcast, and now they pulled the episode. Nice promotion.

>It's also being massively widely reported all over the globe

damn i never listened to this i always thought it was just a meme. they look like theyre from the 80s but i kind of like it. there has been no rock music with balls for at least the past 10 years

People die in car accidents?

zombie? hmm


No user, it's the jooz. Flat tire? The jooz. Little sneeze? Guess who again.

It's front page news on news sites all over the globe, from the UK to Australia and everywhere in between. For a "D-list actress" as you say. They're really trying to sell a narrative on this one.

Attached: Strona główna.png (840x649, 629.06K)

People suffer head traumas and walk it off only to die hours later all the time. It happened to Bob Saget recently.

Is this a troll? That looks fake as shit


If he doesn't, are you going to tamper with his car so it accelerates uncontrollably too?

>UK and Ausfailia
Europe, Soth America, Arabia, India, SEA, China, Japan...
Nobody ever heard of this.

>glove compartment
That implies you are trying to hide it and don't need to reach for it at any moment's notice since it belongs in the center console.

yep, this is very suspicious

Never even knew she existed. She was in Psycho and Donnie Brasco over twenty years ago and that's pretty much it.

They're not saying she suffered head trauma though. They're saying she suffered massive brain damage due to oxygen deprivation. In such a scenario, there's no way she could be conscious in that video. Brain damage isn't something that comes on later. It happens instantly and the effects are immediate and irreversible. She would have been a vegetable before they ever pulled her out of the car.

Yet there she is, trying to fight off the people bundling her into a van. Sorry, the firefighters bundling her into a van, with no paramedics in sight. Literally not one, even in the wide shot at the beginning. It's almost like they were told there'd be nobody there to save or something.

psychotic people are so boring. it's always at first a seeming story - ooh wah why did this person do that, and then this, what could they have been thinking, what was their intention? what's the mysterious situation they were playing out? oh they have a history of psychosis. it was just a crazy person playing out incoherent nonsense. sleepwalking effectively

This. II gave respects just in case it's somehow legit, but this thing is too weird.