Villains plan completely backfires on himself

>villains plan completely backfires on himself

Is this the most kino trope in cinema?

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Trump was authorized you dipshit

Your orange emperor is going to prison and the Conservative party will soon follow.

I can’t wait for you fucks to be rounded up and placed into camps. The nation can finally become a first world country again.

lock him up LOOOL

>orange man is going to prison this time guys, I promise...

Go back to Twitter, freak.

bidenbros... after a long string of losses, is this where our fortune finally changes?

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sry but if you do the crime, you must pay the time. probably regretting all those "lock her up!" chants about now

if you vote for republicans you are traitors and the crime for treason is death

Damn, the Cheeto in Chief is getting LOCKED UP


>sources suggest
>those familiar with the situation

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>all of this happening after Alex Jones gets his texts leaked by his lawyer
lmao they're all going to jail

spoken like a true Maoist

It's totally happening.

>random person on Twitter, not even a checkmark "journalist"
>twitter for iPhone
>likes and retweets cropped out
This should be a 30 day ban

true, republicans want to delay the collapse of the american empire (aka the great satan), they are traitors to humanity

gotta love the bait tho

What classified documents does he allegedly have?

Democrats are the ones conserving institutions lol. You are a conservative racist.

threads like this are actually favored by the mods because they get lots of replies, which increases Any Forums traffic, which makes the board more marketable to advertising analysts.

Imagine still falling for the partisan politics meme.

Threads like this being left up should result in janny suspension for 30 days. Paycheck withheld

>I can’t wait for you fucks to be rounded up and placed into camps. The nation can finally become a first world country again.
Whoa... cool it with the antisemitic remarks

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we can't read them until we create them

Suspension without pay?
Oh wait..

actually the rogue jannies are the ones who try to do their jobs and delete off-topic posts (they can't delete entire threads iirc). sometimes after a new wave of janitors is hired, you notice more off-topic posts are being deleted. then that stops. either the new janitors are giving up and quitting, or the mods (one of whom aggregates online trends to marketers for a living) are telling them to stop doing their jobs so well.

Why do the left brag about the unequal enforcement of the law? (eg. people buying Hillary's new merch bragging about getting away with the email scandal)