What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Nothing, they managed to shit out the same film 40 time and make billions.

They didnt make a movie about the greatest black hero

god, I miss the cornball superhero stuff. everything is grimdark/realism now

I hope everyone who works at Disney studios gets colon cancer.

>god, I miss the MCU. everything is grimdark/realism now

the culture of running every good little thing to the ground until every drop of profit has been extracted from its rotting corpse
except that in this case, it's a good thing
capeshit was never good

Marvel was popular when it had a masculine trad aesthetic but in recent years it's tried to appease the woke crowd.

Yes, but you must understand that all their success becomes irrelevant if they can't make another 40 generic capeshit videos and continue to increase stock price. Shareholders will reeeeeeee.

Oversaturation. Massive oversaturation.

They played their hand to quickly and too forcefully. No one liked America Gonzalez or whatever in the comics; no one is going to like her having an entire film devoted to her.


Simply put? The studios forgot about tits and ass. Did I gave a shit about the first Captain America movie? Not really except for peggy's huge milkers. Did I gave a shit or knew who Shang Chi was? NO! But once his hot as shit asian sister appeared I watched that whole shit (kino fight scenes, ending went full naruto).
Did I gave 2 flying fucks about about Captain Marvel as a character ?? NEVER but guess what? I rubbed my bulge the whole fucking movie imagining sucking on those titties.

My point is that they need to stop with the average looking nigger and latino women and bring back the milk trucks. Why do you think that Jurassic Park world trash is popular?!?!? Because of the queen mommy!!!

Marvel better snap out of their faggot nap if they want to stay in the game.

>I was talking about the MCU

lmfao no, MCU is realism

I want some goofy shit, wacky villains, corny catchphrases and comic book style filmmaking. I want to see a comic book movie.

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nobody cares about the MSheU.

Oversaturation, user. These films get slapped together with high budgets and all-star casts. Much like the zombie craze a few years ago. Hollywood, being the capitalists they are, milked it for everything they could as quickly as they could just for the cash. I'm kinda glad it's happening. I had high hopes back in 01-02 when Spider-Man was released and was disappointed. Surprised it lasted this long.

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having 1 superhero movie every year is already tiresome but now we get 4/year plus tv shows

Same thing that happened with the Marvel COMICS, and the same thing that constantly happens with DC. These companies have massive rosters of characters, but in reality, the mainstream public only care about a small handful of those characters. Marvel just made the mistake of writing out or killing off most of the characters that normies care about and are left scraping the bottom of the barrel with characters like "Ms. Marvel" and "Shang Chi" that most people don't give a fuck about. This shit almost bankrupted Marvel once when they were pushing comics for characters that nobody cared about. It's astounding to me that they still haven't learned their lesson.

well in that case, thank god capeshit is dead
t. comic reader

DC Batman is not capeshit. It's much more gritty and serious.

Shill post incoming but RRR was the most watchable cornball shit I’ve seen in ages. I finished that movie WISHING Hollywood would stop taking itself so seriously and make something fun for once.

>tfw you survived the capeshit era

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