I want to go back. It was a better, simpler time

I want to go back. It was a better, simpler time.

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only it wasn't, you just think that

You weren't alive during the 60s

stick to breaking fag

>the 60s werent simpler
>the 60s didn't provide better mean wages relative to the cost of living

user??? How did you get your post so wrong. Before you respond, I just want you to know I support your choice to live your authentic identity.

I mean it was cool so long as you weren't black

simpler, yes
but not better

>i-i wish my life was slightly less shitty\
pretty sus morality

School bullies didn't exist. Homework didn't exist.

or female
or gay
or tansgender
or mentally ill

Star Trek The Original Series >>>>>>>>> Twilight Zone

Transgenders didn't exist.

Are you Bart Simpson


bro... we are fucking living in the twilight zone right now. think about it.

Please God, take me home

I prefer the 2019 Twilight Zone

Original is too slow


Attached: 1451325114642s.jpg (247x250, 6.96K)

Too many people are too willing to settle for mediocrity as long as the show is "woke" enough and CBS is exploiting that with shows like TZ and STD. Just watch the originals they were better.

>Owning a house and supporting a family whilst working 9-5 at the local unnamed office
>Competent governments with record high safety/low crime
>No internet
This was worse how? Because they weren't able to have the latest capeshit pumped directly into their brain?

You can just say you're retarded if you want. Quicker to type

Woah woah woah that's hatespeech. You WILL live in the dystopia

>No internet
wtf do you do at work 9-5 then without internet? paperwork ? your only source of entertainment is some shitty radio
sounds like hell

people used to talk to their co-workers user

Youre fucking retarded

>have you seen the latest baseball game?
>oh yeah i painted my fence white yesterday!
>my wife is cooking steak!